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Failed to create a user account

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I have a big problem with my onlineshop http://www.skyway.mx

I have an authentication error and happens when the client wants to create an account. I have read many possible solutions and I could not fix mine


The error is:

TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form. Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: parsererror


For more details of the problem I went to the Theme folder, authentication.js made a change on the line 82:


error = "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form.\n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus;




error = "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form.\n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + errorThrown + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus; 


And the mistake was more explicit, the result was as follows:

TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form. Details: Error thrown: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < Text status: parsererror


I appreciate the support that this community has provided, and that helped me solve many cases. Only I could with this problem and I'm a little stressed.
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That error appears, when your store outputs directly html instead of the expected json data. The json data can't be parsed as valid JSON, which returns the parseerror. 


Reasons for that is usually:

* Either there is some error in the function called and no json is returned

* Or development mode (debug) is active and additional notices/warnings are returned too, before the json is returned - in this case everything works fine, just the frontend won't be able to process it. Deactivating debug will make the system work fine

* The called controller can either not process ajax calls or the ajax parameter was missing and just HTML is returned


Add this to your edited javascript too:



to see in the browser's console if one of these applies and what the system has returned, then you should instantly know which of the above is the case.

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Thanks @innovacy


my "create account" problem, is solved now.
The problem commonly occurs when a module or modification attempts to write JavaScript code in the header, I suggest that temporarily modules nonnative you disable Performance tab and see if the problem persists or disappears, should disappear for now you'll have the answer.
thanks for the reply. 
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