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Pagination disappears in PS 1.6

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Thanks for your answer. I only have products and I've made some changes in order to customize the shop loosing these features, but i'll try to make a test with best-sellers.

Maybe this is related, category filter ( usually hooked in left column) doesn't work either. The filters left (like condition, price range, etc..) work fine. But category's dropbown filter doesn't trigger any event.


EDIT: Categories filter works after selecting other filter, I mean if you filter by category and then by price for instance it finally works. But not by it self.  And using these filters also makes bottom-pagination disappears, so it has to be related in someway. 


UPDATE: The pagination disappears when the url has a "#" For instace: http://domain.com/en/{id}--{category}#/


Despite of being on page 1 the pagination bottom is also gone 


Sorry about not giving real links but I'm working in Local.


Edited by rinzlerx64 (see edit history)
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That's fun, I've just updated the layered navigation module and the issue it's fixed (Thanks) But now in Home category which should display all products is displaying only one category ( the 4th one in the list of categories). What the ....  :( 

Im moving to this topic, it seems to be more popular:



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