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Images on the right of home slider

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Just upgraded to 1.6, I'm unable to show the images on the right of home slider (in home page) on default theme.


Images have been correctly loaded into themeconfigurator module and hooked to "top" hook, but they simply don't appear.


How to solve it?

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I'm facing the same thing here, I have upgraded from to 1.6 this weekend.


I tried to move the ads from the top hook to home hook, and I was able to see the ads on the home page.

When I moved them back to the top hook it was gone again, I'm trying to figure out the problem.


I had a check against the Prestashop demo, and it looks like I'm missing the "displayTopColumn" when I look in:

Backend > modules > positions


I guess this is why it don't get the two small ads beside the banner rotator going.


Anyone with some ideas here?





Edited by Bjorn Hansen (see edit history)
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