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Guide - Enable Smarty Console on the new Prestashop 1.6

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Yesterday was launched the new awesome Prestashop version, and the first "bug" we found is that the Smarty Console (used to debug all the templates) was removed intentionally. 
On the initFieldsetSmarty() function we must add to the "fields_forms" variable the next code:

 'type' => 'radio',
 'label' => $this->l('Smarty Console'),
 'name' => 'smarty_console',
 'values' => array(
    'id' => 'smarty_console_2',
    'value' => 2,
    'label' => $this->l('Always display'),
    'hint' => $this->l('This option should be used in a production environment.')
    'id' => 'smarty_console_1',
    'value' => 1,
    'label' => $this->l('Display through URL'),
    'hint' => $this->l('It should be used in a production environment when you need debug.')
    'id' => 'smarty_console_0',
    'value' => 0,
    'label' => $this->l('Never display'),
    'hint' => $this->l('Not display.')
  'type' => 'text',
  'label' => $this->l('Smarty Console Key'),
  'name' => 'smarty_console_key'

On the same file, search for postProcess() function and near the line 650 aprox. that start with if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] === '1'). We can see how the function update two "config" variables, SMARTY_FORCE_COMPILE y el SMARTY_CACHE, but the two for the Smarty console are missing. On the next you can find the complete code block:

if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] === '1')
 Configuration::updateValue('PS_SMARTY_FORCE_COMPILE', Tools::getValue('smarty_force_compile', _PS_SMARTY_NO_COMPILE_));
 Configuration::updateValue('PS_SMARTY_CACHE', Tools::getValue('smarty_cache', 0));
 Configuration::updateValue('PS_SMARTY_CONSOLE', Tools::getValue('smarty_console', 0));
 $redirectAdmin = true;

On this file we need to paste the next code block above the comment that says /* Use this constant if you want to load smarty without all PrestaShop functions */ near the 40th line.

// Production mode
$smarty->debugging = false;
$smarty->debugging_ctrl = 'NONE';
 $smarty->debugging_ctrl = 'URL';
 $smarty->smarty_debug_id = Configuration::get('PS_SMARTY_CONSOLE_KEY');
else if (Configuration::get('PS_SMARTY_CONSOLE') == _PS_SMARTY_CONSOLE_OPEN_)
 $smarty->debugging = true;

Search for the commentary // display or fetch that is near over 350 line, and change the conditional if($display), to the next code:

// display or fetch
if ($display || strpos($template->template_resource,'global.tpl')!==false) {

If we go back to the backoffice, we can see that the options are recovered.
One more thing. If we go throug "URL", once we put SMARTY_DEBUG (or what you decide), the system make a "cookie" that always open the Smarty Console. You can erase the cookie or put the next parameter on the URL: http://ourshop.com/?SMARTY_DEBUG=off

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  • 1 month later...

... other way to active console

just use {debug} code for example in header.tpl file located in your theme

Sometimes i use that one, on a test shop and inside the tpl to check which variables are availble.

If on the real shop, i prefer the SMARTY_DEBUG option, this way won't show for all users, and it's easier.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

... other way to active console

just use {debug} code for example in header.tpl file located in your theme

This method doesn't show a pop up window like it used to do on previous PrestaShop versions; it just writes some difficult to read code into the HTML. I do the maintenance for several stores, and the dmartin_webimpacto system is too laborious for me.


Any idea for recovering the pop up window more easily?

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Thanks for the guide.

I still have one problem. Smarty_debug doesn't open a new window, only writes the variables at the bottom of the page.


same problem with {debug} in the template... anyone have an idea ?

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same problem with {debug} in the template... anyone have an idea ?


From http://forge.prestashop.com: Issue PS1.6  PSCSX-2651,30/7/2014, debug console writes directly in page


Mainly :

The popup window started working as expected when I toggled "Move Javascript to the end" to ON in BO > Advanced Parameters > Performance.



and 3 others minors changes written in the issue.

Edited by phili_b (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Sometimes i use that one, on a test shop and inside the tpl to check which variables are availble.

If on the real shop, i prefer the SMARTY_DEBUG option, this way won't show for all users, and it's easier.


You can just {if isset($smarty.get.debug)}{debug}{/if} and in url add domain.com?debug

Edited by ircykk (see edit history)
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my theme doesn't work well with js at the end.

will try the commit to see if it works any way...



For me worked  taking into account another tpl so the script for the popup works fine


instead of

if ($display || strpos($template->template_resource,'global.tpl')!==false) {

For example

if ($display || strpos($template->template_resource,'blockmyaccountfooter.tpl')!==false) {

Edited by Enrique Gómez (see edit history)
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