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Currency, quantity discount and VAT interference?

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I have two currencies in my shop and some products with quantity discount.

If I apply the quantity discount for my primary currency the discount gets shown wrong. It gets a negative listing since prestashop doesnt convert the price before deducting the quantity discount.

(For example it counts 10 euro for a product - 50 SEK wich means price is -40 euro).


To solve this I add the discount manually for each currency and after that it shows fine except one thing.

In product-list it shows the price excluding vat for the discounted products.

Is there someone who has a clue to this? 




Thought of a solution that might work:

I have this code in product-list.tpl to display the price:

{if isset($product.show_price) && $product.show_price && !isset($restricted_country_mode)}
    <span class="price" style="display: inline;">
        {if isset($product.qt_disc)}
            {l s='From'}
        {if !$priceDisplay}
            {convertPrice price=$product.price}
            {convertPrice price=$product.price_tax_exc}
    </span><br />

Would it be possible to multiply the price variable output of this code with the current vat?
For example my VAT is 25% and therefore I would like to have the price variable output multiplied with 1.25?

(It would be best if it doesnt need to be hardcoded 1.25 since some countries doesnt use vat for me)

Im not so familiar with smarty / php so if someone could perhaps point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

Edited by prestalearn (see edit history)
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