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[SOLVED] Top Horizontal Menu (Main Menu Queries)

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Hello I am new to prestashop, so apologies in advance if there's an obvious answer to my questions. I'm thinking i should have stuck with the default template before buying a new one:)


I have downloaded theme676. My website is www.soulsparks.co.za/prestashop. I have the below queries.

1. How do you remove an item from this main menu without deleting it ? That is how do you no longer display       the item on the main menu without deleting it from the category section?


2. I want to have an "About Us", "Whats On" and other static pages on my main menu (top horizontal menu).       However prestashop marks each item on my main menu as a category. Is there any way to just have it as         an option on the main menu (that opens a static webpage)? Or must it be a category?


Thank you


Edited by soulsparks (see edit history)
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The answers are *blush* pretty straightforward once you read the manual/play around with the system.

For question 1 - I just set the display property to NO for each category that I wanted hidden on the left hand menu, but available as a menu option on the top horizontal block. Of course I had also setup that category to be displayed on the top horizontal menu.


For question 2 - I just created the additional CMS pages (e.g. what's on) and added them to the top horizontal menu in the relevant position.


So I just had to do a little reading/digging:)

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