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I dont see a solution to organize my products/categories

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Hello all,


I am one step from creating my first prestashop.

My (BIG) problem is how to organize my products and categories.


I will sell costumized products for electronic equipments, for example a pre-programed Bios memorys for  laptops.


The phisical product is only one, but after receiving the order i will program one and send to costumer.


How to place it under diferent categories (brands and models), so the stock movement afect all entrys of that product?


My idea was to have:

Brand category -> Model category -> Bios memory (product name)


(category) HP -> (category) 530 -> (product) Hp 530 Bios

(category) HP -> (category) 555 -> (product) Hp 555 Bios


There are thousands of Model categories.


Any solution i am missing here?


Thanks a lot.


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I had/ have a similar situation.  I don't have any brilliant ideas or solutions though.  You could just use brand as the category, then list the models as products with the memory as an option -priced according to the selected memory choice.  I think you can enter different prices for options or attributes.  


I think it just depends on how you want to represent your inventory.  I'm no expert, but based on my experience, it will be  a lot of data entry if you're doing stock management/ inventory control and price variations. 

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I dont think that would not solve the problem about the stock movement, all products items would still be diferent products.


One solution, if this is possible would be:

-Create a simgle product (in this case Bios memory)

-Adding the product to all categories

-Having the information about the Category (laptop model) on the order details page or the invoice page.


Searching the forum i see that it should be possible to get the category of a product on the order details or invoice. But in this case the product would be assigned to thousands of categories.

Could there be a way to get the product category from the page the costumer was when making the purchase?



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  • 3 weeks later...

One solution, if this is possible would be:

-Create a simgle product (in this case Bios memory)

-Adding the product to all categories

-Having the information about the Category (laptop model) on the order details page or the invoice page.



I guess this should be possible. What about creating a product like in this following steps?

  • Create a product bios memory
  • Assign this product to all categories
  • Add attributes for individual programming that affects the price
  • Use the combinization generator to add different prizes to those attributes
  • Add a text field model via catalog -> products -> <bios memory> --> edit -> customization

Customers choose this product by category with attributes they need and fill in the model they want the bios programmed on the product's detail page.


Or plan B:

  • One single category named brand
  • brands are added as products
  • ...

Would this be ok for you?

Edited by eleazar (see edit history)
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