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How to remove Category name from Product URL in PS 1.5.6?


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I tried to remove Category Name from my product URL with URL friendly ON

I changed route to product from this:


(link was find with this route)


to this:


Deleted my old .htaccess file, let PS regenerate by itself. Turn smarty cache off (and clear it).

Clear my browser cache and cookies.


But then I got all my product links are errors (Page Not Found)


I want all my product url without category name.


Here's my link: bajubola99.com






When I removed {category:/}, PS 1.5.6 is automatically showing category with the same ID as in the product URL.


For example: domain.name/product-1. PS will show domain.name/category-1


So, if there's no category which has the same ID as the product url, it will show page not found. For example: domain.name/product-999. PS can't show category with ID 999, as result it gives page error


I think it's a bug.



How to solve this?

Edited by jijaybajay (see edit history)
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this is because you've got almost the same pattern for products as for category. 

can you for test purposes only add to category additional sign, for example:{id}---{rewrite}


Wow, thank you vekia. Now it works.


I changed route to category from: {id}-{rewrite} to {id}--{rewrite}, now it works.


Btw, should I changed all the routing URL things that contain category from {id}-{rewrite} to {id}--{rewrite} ?

Like for example:

Route to category with attribute selected_filter for the module block layered  -> from: {id}-{rewrite}{/:selected_filters} to {id}--{rewrite}{/:selected_filters}


Route to CMS category -> from content/category/{id}-{rewrite} to content/category/{id}--{rewrite}

Edited by jijaybajay (see edit history)
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