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[SOLVED] Home Category disappeared (in associations for featured items)

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I've been scouring the web looking for an answer.  Somewhere along the line my Home category disappeared.  I'm not talking about my home page.  It doesn't seem to affect the look or working of the front-end shop, but in the back-end, when I go into my product associations iit's not there. I need this to set a featured item.  oops-PrestaShop.jpg


I'm attaching a screenshot.  I checked the ps_category_lang table (using myphpadmin) and category #2 (products) was showing as the root category, so I changed category #1 to the root.  But it hasn't made a difference - I still have "Products" showing as the root instead of home.  I need to control my featured items, so anyone able to help?

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Nope - I didn't change it.  It was there one day then it was gone.  As you can see in the screenshot taken of the ps_category_lang table through my phpmyadmin, there is a home and a product category.  In the ps_category table (inset in the screenshot), home is set as the root directory. 


The only thing done in between was to import a csv of products, but I did not use numeric categories - I used the actual category names (such as herbs, oils, etc.), so that should not have affected the numbers of the categories.


I do need both the Home and the Product categories for the proper functioning of the shop, so I really appreciate any suggestions!



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home that you see there is a "root" category and it isn't visible.

the same in "default" clean installation


By default "home" category is there: catalog>categories



when you open this page you should see:



but i suppose that you've got there "Products" instead of "home"

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Hey - yes, you're right - "products" is showing there instead of "home".  I didn't realize I could change it there.  Thanks - that took care of that problem so now I can set my featured items on the homepage.  MUCH APPRECIATED!

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