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[solved] Footer image issues


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I'm going crazy with a minor issue.


I'm trying to add a card image to my footer at url: byboysen dot dk


the footer code is:

<!-- Footer -->
   <div id="footer" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix">
   <div style="align:center;">
      <p>{l s='Copyright'} © {$smarty.now|date_format:"%Y"} {$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} | Smidstrupvej 31 |    4733 Tappernøje | Tlf: + 45 22 18 77 81 | E-mail: [email protected]
            <img src="..img/dankortlogo.jpg" alt="Dankort" width="45" height="25" style="float:right"/></div>


Why does my image only show a question mark, no matter what I do? The image is placed in the themes img folder


Please help - I'm loosing my mind over this :S what am I not seeing?



Edited by rialni (see edit history)
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Thanks for your reply. This is getting so strange. I tried your fix, but it still doesn't display the image - only a question mark.


However, when I add the img code to the footer.tpl file, the system won't allow me to log in to the site and view the sites categories. Looks like a really strange bug.


I need to add the image of a payment Card to the sites footer or maybe header - how do I do that, when this doesn't Work?

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Thanks Guys,


I tried a different image, specified path and everything else I could think of. As I said, the few lines of coding in footer.tpl messed up the log in function of the rest of the page (very odd). So I decided not to mess with it.


Instead I just used the payment logo module and left it in the left column. It annoys me a bit, but it's okay there. (it uses the same Picture by the way, which makes it even more strange, as it Works fine there)


Today has been a real off-day of programming :D


I will mark this thread as solved. No use spending more time on it. Thanks anyway :)

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  • 1 year later...

I have such type of problem, i added imaged to the footer using HTML Box Module it is working on all other pages like homepage, product page but when i open a category page i get the same question mark.  :(

Please help how to fix these question mark on all category pages ?




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