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payment confirmation ?

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Good morning


when you have set-up a payment gateway in your store and, of course, their are many online payment processors out there you will receive an email that informs you that money has been received into your gateway account and the name,address, of the customer


If the customer has paid, you ship


To be honest this is not a simple question, their are too many variables to consider.


But if both parties are honest then, if a customer visits your site and buys a product, you get an email from your payment gateway that money has been received into your account, you deliver the product


Thats it really, I hope this makes sense and helps you



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I decided to use the paypal module already included as people can just enter their card details or login to pay.

It didnt work at first and i got an error so i uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it solved the problem.


after someone orders and pays do i get an email or something confirming payment and i can ship ?


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If you are using PayPal you will get an email from PayPal. Also the status on your order will be an indicator that the payment was successful. If the PayPal transaction failed then it will let you know. zKdFH44.png

PayPal notification will be sent to the email address you are you using on your PayPal account. 

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