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[SOLVED] BUG Prestashop 1.5.5 Shipping


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Under >Countries>Australia , if I enable "has states?", when testing the checkout I get the dreaded


"There are no carriers that deliver to the address you selected."


regardless of how I set up zones and carriers. This in Guest checkout. (Haven't tried with setting up an account yet)


If I disable "Has states?" the shipping works correctly, but then it does not display the 'state' in the address.


I have tried zones as:


'Australia' - works when "has states?" not enabled

'Australia New South Wales' 

'New South Wales Australia' (as an example of one state)

'New South Wales'


I have also tried re-arranging the address format - countries>Australia (where you set 'first:name' 'last:name' etc etc) which makes no difference to the shipping.


Despite having zip/post codes, that is no guarantee that a particular zip code is in a particular state.

For example, my zip code is 5266 in South Australia, but it is also in 2 other states of Australia.


All countries except Australia and New Zealand have been unticked, as i am only selling to these two countries to start with.

Edited by tkrm (see edit history)
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