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[SOLVED]Layout help!

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I need someone to explain to me how to change the width of the tables. Image attachment.

The fields are very close together and I wanted to separate them more.


I searched the global.css but can not find where.

Somebody help me?



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mexas, what Prestashop Version do you use? (In it spreads out nicely already)


probably has to go to themes/<your theme folder>/css/global.css and edit values of:

#order .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo, #order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_logo, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo {


width: 160px;



Maybe some other here. Find this (Ctrl-F/Command-F):


/* step 4 - paiement ************************************************************************** */


Below here are all kind of values for delivery/carrier layout blocks.



If you need more help, please add URL of website.


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I use the free version and and a free theme (Leoconverse).


I tried to change it but do not find out the right parameter ... : (




/* step 4 - ************************************************************************** */
.delivery_options {
   border: 1px solid #BDC2C9;
   border-top: 0;
#order .delivery_options_address h3, #order-opc .delivery_options_address h3 {
/*background: url("../img/table_header.gif") no-repeat;
color: #374853;
font-weight: bold;
height: 14px;
padding: 5px 10px;
margin: 10px 0 0 0;*/
   padding: 6px 11px;
   font-size: 12px;
   color: #fff;
   text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #000;
   text-transform: uppercase;
   background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #383838;
#order .delivery_option_radio, #order-opc .delivery_option_radio {
   float: left;
   margin: 21px 12px;
#order .delivery_option label, #order-opc .delivery_option label {
   display: block;
   padding-bottom: 5px;
   padding-top: 5px;
#order .delivery_option label > table.resume, #order-opc .delivery_option label > table.resume {
   height: 46px;
   width: 685px;
#order .delivery_option.item, #order-opc .delivery_option.item {
   background: #fafafa;
#order .delivery_option.alternate_item, #order-opc .delivery_option.alternate_item {
   border-top: 1px solid #bdc2c9;
   background: #f1f2f4;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #bdc2c9;
#order .delivery_option label > table.resume td, #order-opc .delivery_option label > table.resume td {
   padding: 0 8px;
#order .delivery_option label > table.resume td + td, #order-opc .delivery_option label > table.resume td + td {
   width: 300px;
#order .delivery_option label > table.resume td + td + td, #order-opc .delivery_option label > table.resume td + td + td {
   width: 100px;
#order .delivery_option_carrier td {width:200px}
#order .delivery_option_carrier td + td {width:280px;}
#order .delivery_option_carrier td + td + td {width:200px}
#order .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo, #order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_logo, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo {
   width: 160px;
#order .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo img, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo img { /*height: 40px;*/ }
#order .delivery_option_carrier .first_item, #order-opc .delivery_option_carrier .first_item {
   padding: 3px 5px 3px 12px;
   background:url(../img/arrow_right_2.png) no-repeat 3px 7px
.order_carrier_content {
   border:1px solid #ccc;
.order_carrier_content h3 {
   padding:15px 0 10px 0;
.order_carrier_content h3.carrier_title {padding-top:0}
.order_carrier_content input {
   float: right;
#carrierTable {
   border:1px solid #999;
#carrierTable tbody{
   border-bottom:1px solid #999;
#carrierTable  th {
   padding:0 15px;
   height: 29px;
   font-weight: bold;
   background:url(../img/bg_table_th.png) repeat-x 0 -10px #999
#carrierTable  td {
   border-right:1px solid #e9e9e9
#carrierTable  td.carrier_price {
   width : 90px;

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Is your shop live? Please give the URL. THis makes debugging/helping much easier.


From code above:

#order .delivery_option_carrier td {width:200px}

#order .delivery_option_carrier td + td {width:280px;}

#order .delivery_option_carrier td + td + td {width:200px}

#order .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo, #order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_logo, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo {


width: 160px; <-- did you try to change this value???


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Try the following:

edit file: themes/leoconv/order-carrier.tpl (make a backup first, just in case...)


find this piece of code (or similar, Search for delivery_option_logo to find it quickly):

 {l s='Choose a shipping option'}
  <div class="delivery_options">
  {foreach $option_list as $key => $option}
<div class="delivery_option {if ($option@index % 2)}alternate_{/if}item">
 <input class="delivery_option_radio" type="radio" name="delivery_option[{$id_address}]" onchange="{if $opc}updateCarrierSelectionAndGift();{else}updateExtraCarrier('{$key}', {$id_address});{/if}" id="delivery_option_{$id_address}_{$option@index}" value="{$key}" {if isset($delivery_option[$id_address]) && $delivery_option[$id_address] == $key}checked="checked"{/if} />
 <label for="delivery_option_{$id_address}_{$option@index}">
  <table class="resume">
	<td class="delivery_option_logo">					 <-- find this first-------------
	 {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
	  {if $carrier.logo}
	   <img src="{$carrier.logo}" alt="{$carrier.instance->name}"/>
	  {else if !$option.unique_carrier}
	   {if !$carrier@last} - {/if}
	</td>						 <-- this is closing tag 1-------------
	<td>						  <-- here we need to add a class: change to: <td class="delivery_option_carrier_name">
	{if $option.unique_carrier}
	 {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
	  <div class="delivery_option_title">{$carrier.instance->name}</div>
	 {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
	  <div class="delivery_option_delay">{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]}</div>
	{if count($option_list) > 1}
	 {if $option.is_best_grade}
	  {if $option.is_best_price}
	  <div class="delivery_option_best delivery_option_icon">{l s='The best price and speed'}</div>
	  <div class="delivery_option_fast delivery_option_icon">{l s='The fastest'}</div>
	  {if $option.is_best_price}
	  <div class="delivery_option_best_price delivery_option_icon">{l s='The best price'}</div>
	</td>			   <-- this is the closing tag of our new <td class="delivery_option_carrier_name">
	<td>				<-- here we also need to add a class name: change to: <td class="class_option_shipping_price">
	<div class="delivery_option_price">
	 {if $option.total_price_with_tax && (!isset($free_shipping) || (isset($free_shipping) && !$free_shipping))}
	  {if $use_taxes == 1}
	   {convertPrice price=$option.total_price_with_tax} {l s='(tax incl.)'}
	   {convertPrice price=$option.total_price_without_tax} {l s='(tax excl.)'}
	  {l s='Free'}[/font][/size]
[size=2][font=courier new,courier,monospace]


So, go to the line:

<td class="delivery_option_logo">

and find the </td> closing tag of it (about 9 lines down)

one line below this we see another <td> tag. We need to add a class name to it, so that we can decorate it with css styles:

<td> <-- here we need to add a class: change to: <td class="delivery_option_carrier_name">


when we have done this, we need to find the closing tag of this one (about 22 lines down):

</td> <-- this is the closing tag of our new <td class="delivery_option_carrier_name">

one line below, we also have to add a class name, so we can decorate it with a css style

<td> <-- We also need to add a class name: change to: <td class="class_option_shipping_price">


save the file.


OK, so now we added two classes for our <td> tags, which we can decorate with css styles:

- class "delivery_option_carrier_name"

- class "delivery_option_shippig_price"



so now edit /themes/<your theme folder>/css/global.css:

find 'delivery_option_logo'


should be some code like this:


#order .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo, #order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_logo, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo {


width: 230px; <---change to 230



Then add the code shown below. (just put it right below the found code)


#order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_carrier_name, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_carrier_name {


width: 230px;



#order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_shipping price, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_shipping_price {


width: 230px;



save the file, and reload your check-out page. Should be something like:



you may need to (TEMPORARILY!!):

- turn OFF your cache and

- 'Template cache' set to "Recompile templates if the files have been updated"

in Advanced Parameters->Performance


to see the changes. (Don't forget to turn cache back ON afterwards!)




Of course you can change the added code a little to your liking.


Hope this helps,




EDIT: There are some errors in above code. See fixed code in post #11 !!

Edited by PascalVG (see edit history)
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I created a test site - http://www.gazuashop.com/testes

I made the changes but nothing: (still the same!


The class <td class="class_option_shipping_price"> is not closed .. Is this normal?

Anyway the new class <td class="delivery_option_carrier_name"> was closed and should be fine ...


More suggestions?




<td class="delivery_option_logo">
	 {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
	  {if $carrier.logo}
	   <img src="{$carrier.logo}" alt="{$carrier.instance->name}"/>
	  {else if !$option.unique_carrier}
	   {if !$carrier@last} - {/if}
    <td class="delivery_option_carrier_name">
    {if $option.unique_carrier}
	 {foreach $option.carrier_list as $carrier}
	  <div class="delivery_option_title">{$carrier.instance->name}</div>
	 {if isset($carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang])}
	  <div class="delivery_option_delay">{$carrier.instance->delay[$cookie->id_lang]}</div>
    {if count($option_list) > 1}
	 {if $option.is_best_grade}
	  {if $option.is_best_price}
	  <div class="delivery_option_best delivery_option_icon">{l s='The best price and speed'}</div>
	  <div class="delivery_option_fast delivery_option_icon">{l s='The fastest'}</div>
	  {if $option.is_best_price}
	  <div class="delivery_option_best_price delivery_option_icon">{l s='The best price'}</div>
    </td class="delivery_option_carrier_name">
    <td class="class_option_shipping_price">
    <div class="delivery_option_price">




#order .delivery_option_carrier td {width:200px}
#order .delivery_option_carrier td + td {width:280px;}
#order .delivery_option_carrier td + td + td {width:200px}
#order .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo, #order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_logo, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_logo {
width: 230px;
#order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_carrier_name, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_carrier_name {
width: 230px;
#order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_shipping price, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_shipping_price {
width: 230px;

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Hi mexas,


The class <td class="class_option_shipping_price"> is not closed .. Is this normal?


I just didn't copy the whole file, just the piece of code as far as was needed to show the changes, but of course there must be a </td> somewhere.



I see a few problems (mostly caused by me, too much in a hurry typing the solution...) :


almost at the end of your file snippet:

</td class="delivery_option_carrier_name">


just leave this as </td> in closing tags is no class needed



<td class="class_option_shipping_price">


Ahem...My fault :wacko:: not class_option_shipping_price, but delivery_option_shipping_price ...



#order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_shipping price, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_shipping_price {


width: 230px;



Ahem, Ahem...My fault :(: not .delivery_option_shipping price but .delivery_option_shipping_price (change 'space' before price into _ )




N.B. When re-reading the code, you may have to change (extend) the two added blocks in global.css a little:

copy these two blocks to global.css ( replace for old red coloured, added changes in my previous post)



#order .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_carrier_name, #order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_carrier_name, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_carrier_name {


width: 230px;





#order .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_shipping_price, #order .delivery_option_carrier .delivery_option_shipping_price, #order-opc .delivery_options_address .delivery_option_shipping_price {


width: 230px;



(These changes are needed, when you ever want to change between one step checkout and 5 step checkout. Then it should still work)


Sorry for confusion/faults from my side!



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