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voucher problem with conditions

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I have a problem with voucher conditions... If I specifiy that a voucher should be applicable to a specific carrier (eg. carrier 1), then in the front office both carriers I'm using have the "free!" text alongside, but only the one that really is free will be accepted. Is there a fix for this?


The second carrier labelled "free" isn't actually free and proceeding to the checkout with this cart generates a "cannot use this..." type of error.


Carrier 1 Free!

Carrier 2 Free! (this one isn't really free but incorrectly states that it is)


The voucher conditions set in the back offer were applied correctly, but the "free shipping" label has not been applied correctly, which is an issue.

Edited by Andrew H (see edit history)
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Is carrier 2 valid for the order (i.e. would it be possible to choose carrier2 at all, or should this one not be available at all?

If it IS possible to choose this one as well (although no one would do it, as it isn't free), then maybe there's just an error in the settings of carrier2, which makes it free for some reason.


So please confirm first if Carrier2 should be selectable at all (i.e. the products and address-country allow this carrier2 etc)

Then we can look further if carrier2 has some settings problem which makes it free. (Maybe gaps in ranges, etc)


My 2 cents,


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Hi Pascal


Thank you for your response. I think you may have found the problem but I'll test and report back. I upgraded from v1.1 to 1.5. I had the weight ranges in v1.1 a bit like 1kg to 1.5kg and 1.51kg to 3kg etc (so there are very slight gaps). It didn't cause me any issues in the earlier version but I guess the gaps are causing it to show as free in this version (although when the voucher codes are not used it doesn't show as free).


Although obviously I can only blame myself for this mistake, some kind of error/warning if they're wrong on the input page would be a nice touch. Because I didn't enter the ranges in the new version, I didn't see the associated instructions (for the new version).


I have a number of other issues with shipping so it could be all related -I'll fix this tonight and report back.


thanks again


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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry for the delay, I've had bigger issues with the site in the meantime. I've gone through and changed every weight range to the correct format. I'm still getting the same problem with all carriers showing as free with only one selected under the voucher conditions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Andrew,

going through my old Emails, I was wondering if you found a solution already?


If not, I can have a look inside to see if there's anything wrong in the settings. If you want this, then:

Create a temporary Employee with superuser rights:


Private Message me the login info (login password and path to your back office) so I can have a look at it. (Don't post it here!)



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