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need to update my hosting server for cache?

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I have the following 'notice' telling me to take action to correct the problem.


Il y a 2 avertissements. Cacher l'avertissement

· Pour utiliser Memcached, vous devez installer l'extension Memcached PECL sur votre serveur.http://www.php.net/manual/fr/memcache.installation.php

· Pour utiliser Xcache, vous devez installer l'extension Xcache sur votre serveur. http://xcache.lighttpd.net


So I need to put the 2 programmes onto the host server? ok



Basically i understand what it wants but can anyone tell me why it says this? & how to do it?



As a newbie I'm biting off more than I can chew! LOL




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this is not a stuff that you can upload to the server.

It's a server configuration, in this case it is necessary to reconfigure the server (It depends on your hoster).



To be honest. This is not so important, sometimes these messages appear because script hasn't got rights to check the server configuration, in my opinion you don't have to worry.

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