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Themes mixing together (Please help)

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I recently purchased a website and I am very new to pretashop and webdesign.


I started exploring the site and found themes online and added them.


I noticed that once I changed the theme, some part of the old them would still be on there and no the site, is full of different themes and looks horrible.


How can I fix this? How this this happen? and How can I prevent this from happening again, PLEASE HELP!!!





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try to add theme via module: import/export theme


if you havent got possibility to "import" theme - i've got one question: have you got any manual instruction related to the theme installation? Usually designers include it to the theme package

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well,the problem that you've got it's because your shop uses now unecessary modules.

if is possible please try to reimport the theme, in the step where you have to select modules to disable, select all of them (it's a automated suggestion based on theme settings)

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i checked your website


well i think that now you have to customize it only.


move to the modules > Positions searh for block cart module and remove it from displayTop section

click on transplant button and select this module and add it for example, to the right column. Then back to the modules > position list, search for rightColumn modules list and move the block cart module to the top of the list.


another modules also need a little customization (position change)

after that everything should works well.

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Okay, I am clueless about what you are saying to do


I went into modules and uninstalled cart block. Then after that I don't know what you want me to do .


I don't see a transplant button? or know what you mean by moving to the top of the list, can you be more simple in your wording.


Not sure what you mean by another module needs customization?


Please help but me more simple.

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open the modules > positions tab (not modules only)

you've got there all available "places" where the modules appear.


search for "displayTop" list of modules, you've got there all modules attached to the top section of your theme (where the search, cart appears now). you can remove / change positions of modules there.

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