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[solved] Add link to background image in global.css

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Hi folks....


I am using Prestashop 1.5.2 and have successfully added a background image to my site so that it appears at the top of each page.


I edited global.css and added the line below:



generic style

************************************************************************************************ */


font:normal 11px/14px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;




url(/img/newsletter.jpg) 50% 2% no-repeat;




I would now like to attach a link to this image. I have done some searching on this forum and the web but cannot get a solution working.


Has anyone here successfully done this or have an idea?



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Hi there....


I have placed the image at the top center of my site next to the store logo - it is an image that invites visitors to sign up for my newsletter. The image is very prominent which is what I want.


I can place the image exactly where I want it by using the code I placed in the global.css file. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to make the image clickable in the traditional html manner with <a href></a> tags. The intention is for the destination to be the email list provider's signup page when users click the image.


Hopefully this helps explain what I am after.



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Hi Stransky,

CSS is meant to do the layout of your site, not really to add functionality to it.


Maybe a better way is to add the picture in the header.php file. Something like this:


Open file /themes/<your them folder>/header.php and add the red text:

(you can of course move the image around a little, (and change the picture ;-) ))




<div ID="absolutelogo" style="position:absolute; width:100%; min-width:980px;" >

<a href="http://PrestaShop.com"><img src="http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q561/Pascalvangeest/facebookb_zps293f6f0a.png" alt="Facebook" style="position:absolute; top:120px; left:50%; z-index:9999;"></a>






N.B. The <div> is used to move the picture when resizing the window. The picture above is placed in the middle. Just change the left:50% to move it left or right. The z-index puts the picture on top



Hope this does the trick,


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Hello Pascal....


Sorry, should have taken the time to investigate before responding previously.


I put the changes you suggested in /themes<my theme>/header.tpl and made the required adjustments for link, image and placement. It worked out great!


Thanks so much for your help!



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