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Solved: Front Page Static Image

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You can do it 2 ways:


1- Easy

Disable the slider and any modules that appear there. Open up index.tpl in your theme folder and hardcode your image before or after {$hook_home}


2- DIfficult


Clone the block advertising module, change all names and references to a custom name you choose. Add the hookDisplayHoome function instead of the hookLeftColumn (or right column) and assign the image url as variable. More complicated. but you can change theimage from the back office!

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Good morning


Just a thought, if you have the image slider setting as:


Height: whatever you want px

Width: whatever you want px

Speed: 0 ms

Pause: 0 ms

Loop no


Add only one image and save these settings you will get what you want,well, it works for me



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Nemo1, thank you. Your simple method works, and I may try the difficult method later.


However, I don't understand why the simple method works. I would expect hardcoding my image before/after {$hook_home} , which presumably places everything, to put my image before/after everything. How does it know to go to the center column?

Edited by jleesaxon (see edit history)
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Okay, let's see if I understand how the front page gets generated: layout.tpl loads first with "includes" that load header.tpl and footer.tpl. Then footer.tpl's "if content" script loads whatever is tagged as main / center column content for the current operation - which when you're starting is index.tpl. Yes? No?

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