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[How To] Grid-List view buttons on product list

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I am using Prestashop (default theme) and wanted to add two buttons to be able to switch from grid to list view. The following is a description of how I have done it:


After struggeling with few bugs in the original post, I chose to change it entirely and I am posting my entire categories and product-list files. You might gonna need button images, but I am sure you can handle it.


Make a backup of your theme and files. Or just do a backup of the files I am providing here.


In the categories and product compare tpl files add

{include file="./grid_list_view_buttons.tpl"}

where ever you want have the button.


The attachment has 5 files.

Put the *.css files in the theme/css folder.

The tpl files in the theme folder itself.

Add the image file to the theme/img folder.


Good luck.


Edited by kingsinnersoul (see edit history)
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It should. The reason I mentioned that it was for a two column theme was because in the global.css file I specify the width of the center_column as 735px !important (line 2123 or so) and that overrides the original width of 535px (line 47 or so). I actually changed my last css and moved it from global.css to product-list.css. Attached here are the new files with the new product-list.css file. The css file has the original css code from ps from the default theme. and I added the css for the grid view. In this css you can find the width of each item to be 167px (line 173 or so). Modify this width so you will have as many items as you need in your column. 167px is a good fit for 4 items per row for a 735px column. So feel free to ignore the global.css file in the original post.


As for the mobile theme, I have not tested and cannot tell you if it does or doesnt. Feel free to test and let me, and the community know.



Edited by kingsinnersoul (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

@Xarapauy, I just figured that it will be nice to update the original post because it would not paginate correctly otherwise. It took me sometime to work out the css, but the new attached css file has the css for the grid and list views (although I did implement that for a two column theme).

@qugeniosh1, what are those images? the links are broken. And the reason I posted this is because I know how much people were asking for this for. Its the bare minimum I can give back to those who help me all the time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kindly attention Mr. Prestashop Apperentice .... I did as you write , But I am geting "PLACE HOLDER FOR PRODUCT FILTER " WRITTEN WITH grid and list buttons. Kindly let me know which file I have to edit. Thanks.


where you've got it? can you show some screenshot ?

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2) it's because you've got there ONLINE ONLY option displayed

objects where you don't have it, have got other "height" value so the whole block looks different (different height)



in this case add height:30px; to the:

ul#product_list.GRID_VIEW li div.product_availability {
display: block;
float: left;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 10px;
height: 30px;

file: http://godeals.in/themes/Prince/css/product_list.css

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Dear Mr.Vekia

I am so thankful to you for your replies.

Please have a kind look on an another small issue. Actually my Grid/List buttons on below side are not working. Please see the attachment link.




And my grid is not drawn properly every time ex.

1) Log on to godeals.in

2) Click on Kurtis (Every thing fine till now !)




3)From drop down sorting select In-Stock First





Notice GRID is not drawn properly


5) Why "PPLACE HOLDER FOR PRODUCT FILTER" is written there , how to get rid of this ?





Please Help.

Edited by Arminder Singh (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi I am having a similar problem. Sorry to intrude on this talk. The function overall is working brilliantly fine apart from the place holder. I understand almost none of css and I am learning as I go along,so please be kind ;)


This is the link to my website/issue


Thank you in advance for your kind help

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Hi I am having a similar problem. Sorry to intrude on this talk. The function overall is working brilliantly fine apart from the place holder. I understand almost none of css and I am learning as I go along,so please be kind ;)


This is the link to my website/issue


Thank you in advance for your kind help


similar problem to? can you shed some light on your problem? thanks in advance

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Thanks Mr. Vekia for your kind help and guidance . Also thanks Mr. SweetDreamHome for your reply.


Actually by changing and altering/deleting some code , I have solved my problem.


I have seen the link of SweetDreamHome, and I have also faced the same problem that, below Gdid/List buttons are not working.

So I have removed them by deleting the appropriate code.




Thanks have a nice day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. I am still wondering for some help. I really like this grid function. Please can someone help me remove: "PLCAE HOLDER FOR PRODUCT FILTER" under the compare button?


Could it be because I haven't changed my name servers to the server where I have Prestashop installed yet?


Thank you

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Sorry if this is too much but I wasn't sure of what is relevant and what isn't. Thank you so much for your help ;)



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<!-- /Pagination -->


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Hi Sweet Dream Home .... You can get rid of this message .... Edit category.tpl file search ( PLACE HOLDER FOR PRODUCT FILTER) ....


You will find following lines at line no 255 ....


<tr class="pagination_bottom_row">






Just Delete the text and save .... Your problem will be solved ....

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Hi Sweet Dream Home .... You can get rid of this message .... Edit category.tpl file search ( PLACE HOLDER FOR PRODUCT FILTER) ....


You will find following lines at line no 255 ....


<tr class="pagination_bottom_row">






Just Delete the text and save .... Your problem will be solved ....



he pasted cateogy.tpl file contents, there is no place holder text :(

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SweetDreamHome, you posted the contents of the default category.tpl, but you're actually using the category.tpl file that was in the zip file in the original post - that's where that unwanted text is.


So, find where you extracted that version of category.tpl and edit line 255 as Arminder suggests above.

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  • 11 months later...



PS - using theme default

I have a problem when using chrome browser.

The list or grid buttons are not working properly, also grid(first) AND list(after) are both displayed.

Also product placed in a category which is containing sub-category is not displayed at the bottom of the page

Any idea ?


Buttons are working fine with firefox.

Also product placed in a category which is containing sub-category are not displayed at the bottom of the page




Edited by Ki sign (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

Hi, i would enable list view default for only one page.

For other all pages i would default grid view.


How I can do this? 

Thanks for reply :)

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