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'SOLVED' v1.5.4 Create account error "The is_guest field is required."

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Hi everyone,



I have upgraded the PS from v1.4.3 to v1.5.4 .. the problem is that when someone try to create an account, the following error shows up: "the is_guest is required" does anyone knows why does this error appears?


P.S. I have two PS sites, this error only appears on one of my stores, and both were upgraded by the 1 click module.

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Hi everyone,



I have upgraded the PS from v1.4.3 to v1.5.4 .. the problem is that when someone try to create an account, the following error shows up: "the is_guest is required" does anyone knows why does this error appears?


P.S. I have two PS sites, this error only appears on one of my stores, and both were upgraded by the 1 click module.


Update: I have found that the error is because the is_guest parameter for the db is not going through the ajax's submit so the class/Customer.php cannot safe the new customer, any ideas?

Edited by Slevin Kelevra (see edit history)
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Hi Selvin, do you have a URL that we could test and investigate the problem?


Hi benjamin, thanks for the response, the website is global-light.com/barcode, but it is under manteinance right now, I could give you access if you need it with your public IP address.

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I have found that the error was on the table "ps_required_field". In the PS v1.4.x were an option under the customer tab where you can select the "is_guest" field for required information, but after the upgrade to the v1.5.x, this option doesn't appear, so I had to delete the register directly in the table (or by selecting another required field, save it, and then deselect the field and save it again) and the problem get solved.


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