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Do Free Gift Voucher items not display in the cart? 1.5.4

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Prestashop 1.5.4

Paypal Module 3.4.8


To get past a first hurdle, apparently having the paypal module on caused the voucher input box to not display. I was able to fix this by unhooking the paypal module from the Pages header position, however a heads up would be appreciated if someone knows that will cause problems later.


Once displayed, I noticed my free gift test would not display in the cart in any manner. It isn't on the product list and isn't a new line item of some sort. Is this normal functionality?

If so it needs to be fixed as it is very confusing to the customer if the voucher is active or not.


Any help appreciated, thanks in advance


Testing notes:

No Free Gift item display was an issue on default theme and a custom theme, both standard and single page checkout.

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Are you sure your setting up the voucher correctly, I just set up one in 1.5.4 and it shows in the cart summery.

I just first wanted to let you know that they do work, If you need help and can not figure it out let me know.




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Thanks for the quick reply! Upon further investigation it appeared I had 0 stock on my example gift item although I totally swore I added quantity :)


On that thought, an error message on the Front End may be worthwhile in the future to say sorry the gift is out of stock.

Although cart rule gift had "stock" the referenced product did not have stock.


Any thoughts on possible issues from removing Paypal from the Pages Header position?

Offhand the paypal payment link still seems to work, but I haven't done a live transaction yet.

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