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Problem with SMTP using Live Domains STARTTLS needed

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Hi all , I'm having problems setting up SMTP mail in prestashop . I'm using Live domains.


Domain mail: blank

SMTP server: smtp.live.com

SMTP user: [email protected]

SMTP Pass: mypass


Encryption : TLS

PORT : 587


Prestashop tells me:

The SMTP connection failed to start [tls://smtp.live.com:587]: fsockopen returned Error Number 0 and Error String ''


I tried everything and always gives me the same error. If I use Thunderbird everything works fine the only diference is that when I choose the encryption Thunderbird suggest me STARTTLS instead of TLS/SSL. If I use TLS/SSL I cant send mail trough the smtp.live.com server.

Temporarily I'm using google apps smtp servers without problems but it is not what I need.

Thanks in advance.

Greetings from Peru.

Edited by 16bits (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

I have the same problem with PrestaShop v. mailing. When trying to send mail via smtp.live.com, it gives me the same error message as for 16bits. Is there some workaround??? From MS Outlook it is everything ok - mail account is working.



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  • 2 months later...

Well several months later, I install prestashop 1.5.6 and the problem still exists. Can't use my Windows Live Domains account. No one is using outlook.com or Windows Live domains smtp with prestashop?.
Or there is any way to upgrade the Swift Mailer libraries that come with Prestashop?

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I have opened a bug tracking report about the issue with Prestashop, they are using a library that is 7 years old



Of course, they have failed to even acknowledge it, so don't plan on seeing an update anytime soon from them.


But as you already know, I have created a modification that upgrades swift mailer to the latest version, and patches Prestashop core Mail process to use it. 


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