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[Solved] Can't Access Back-Office!


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I've been trying to upload products trough CSV. This morning I was trying but image upload didn't work so I modified imagemanager.php en fileuploader.php but that didn't work for me so I put the original files back.

When I went to my BO later I couldn't access catalog > products anymore. I e-mailed my web hoster because someone told it could be due to php timeout.

The hoster asked to upload a product through CSV, so I did and it's showing on the website but now I can't access my BO anymore. It asks for me to log in and then it says that this employee doesn't exists.

I have no idea if I perhaps modified some other file, those two mentioned above are the only ones I remember.


How to fix this? My store is still working and I cant obviously put it in maintenance mode, so I need to fix this as soon as possible.

Edited by Tahnee (see edit history)
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have you got any backup of this files?


which version of prestashop you use? If you want, I can send you fresh files, but i need know which version you use.


have you got an access to database manager like phpmyadmin? If so, try to check ps_employee table, does you account exists in this table?

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Thanks for the reply. I use Prestashop And I copied the files before I changed them so I could replace them if things wouldn't work. But you can send them, that way I can try it again. But do you think that these files could have anything to do with the BO?

I don't have access tot phpmyadmin I only use Filezilla to upload files to my server, I don't know if that's similar?

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Thanks for you fast reply. I found phpmyadmin in my controlepanel, but I can't find anything that looks like you can add an employee or that mine's in there.

Also I found mySQLdatabase and I found one user. But the username should be an e-mailadress and it looks nothing like that.

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