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Where do i put the code for Comodo Seal logo to desplay on my front page footer

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With the comodo, I am pretty sure that it takes a script tag in the head too. Regardless if it does though, you have to wrap the comodo code in {literal} code {/literal} because it uses javascript and it will cause a compile error in smarty.

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With the comodo, I am pretty sure that it takes a script tag in the head too. Regardless if it does though, you have to wrap the comodo code in {literal} code {/literal} because it uses javascript and it will cause a compile error in smarty.


You're right, it does take a head tag as well, the thing is on the footer.tpl there is no <head> tag, here it is:


{if !$content_only}



<!-- Right -->

<div id="right_column" class="column grid_2 omega">





<!-- Footer -->

<div id="footer" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix">



<p class="center clearBoth"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true)}?mobile_theme_ok">{l s='Browse the mobile site'}</a></p>








Am i looking at the wrong footer.tpl file ?


Thanks much,


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You also need to put code in your header.tpl. I have a client that has a seal, this is what is in their header.tpl file http://screencast.com/t/eL7IhXTa and the rest is in the footer.tpl file. If you are using the corner of trust the placement really does not matter, it places moves it to where it needs to be. If you are using the lock one, you have to place it where you want it to display.

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  • 1 year later...



I'm  doing the same thing for prestashop, but it doesn't work. 


Code before </head>:

{literal}<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var cot_loc0=(window.location.protocol == "https:")? "https://secure.comodo.com/trustlogo/javascript/cot.js" :
document.writeln('<scr' + 'ipt language="JavaScript" src="'+cot_loc0+'" type="text\/javascript">' + '<\/scr' + 'ipt>');

Code before </body>

{literal}<a href="http://www.instantssl.com" id="comodoTL">SSL</a>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
COT("http://satcomfta.com/img/cot_evssl.gif", "SC3", "none");


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  • 9 months later...

I am having the same issue, i tried all of the above but nothing works. I had the same certificate in PS1.4 and PS1.5 and i never had issues installing the logo. Right now im upgrading PS1.6.0.14 and the logo won't display.


This is what the Chrome console returns:

Uncaught ReferenceError: TrustLogo is not defined


Any help will be appreciated. This is all that is preventing the new store from going live.

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  • 1 year later...

CCC (VERKETTUNG, KOMPRESSION UND CACHING) ->JavaScript ans Ende verschieben (OFF)


Bravo! You made my day :)


In english, just navigate to


'Advanced Parameters >> Performance >> CCC (Combine, Compress and Cache)'


and disable


'Move JavaScript to the end'


And that's it!


Wondering if this can have any implications on load time, but I guess it won't as majority is using some kind of server cache these days. Right?

Edited by SunFun (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...
hello mi site is www.sorpresia.com I could solve them attached file to see where I put the code and the file is in this themes modules path \ themeXXX \ \ blockcms \ blockcms.tpl




{If $ block == 1}

<! - Block CMS module ->

{Foreach from = $ cms_titles key = cms_key item = cms_title}

<Section id = "informations_block_left} _ {$ cms_key" class = "informations_block_left block">

<H4 class = "title_block">

<A href = "{$ cms_title.category_link | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'}" title = "{if empty ($ cms_title.name)!} {$ Cms_title.name} {else} {$ cms_title .category_name} {/ if} ">

{If! Empty ($ cms_title.name)} {$ cms_title.name} {else} {$ cms_title.category_name} {/ if}


</ H4>

<Div class = "list-block block_content">


{Foreach from = $ cms_title.categories item = cms_page}

{If isset ($ cms_page.link)}

<Li class = "bullet">

<a href="{$cms_page.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$cms_page.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">

{$ Cms_page.name | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'}


</ Li>

{/ If}

{/ Foreach}

{Foreach from = $ cms_title.cms item = cms_page}

{If isset ($ cms_page.link)}


<a href="{$cms_page.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$cms_page.meta_title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">

{$ Cms_page.meta_title | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'}


</ Li>

{/ If}

{/ Foreach}

{If $ cms_title.display_store}


<a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'stores') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Our stores' mod = 'blockcms'} ">

{L s = 'Our stores' mod = 'blockcms'}


</ Li>

{/ If}

</ Ul>

</ Div>

</ Section>

{/ Foreach}

<! - / Block CMS module ->


<! - MODULE Block footer ->

<Section class = "footer-block al-xs-12 al-sm-2" id = "block_various_links_footer">

<H4> {l s = 'Information' mod = 'blockcms'} </ h4>

<Ul class = "toggle-footer">

{If $ show_price_drop &&! $ PS_CATALOG_MODE}

<Li class = "item">

<a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'prices-drop') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Specials' mod = 'blockcms'} ">

{L s = 'Specials' mod = 'blockcms'}


</ Li>

{/ If}

{If $ show_new_products}

<Li class = "item">

<a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'new-products') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'New products' mod = 'blockcms'} ">

{L s = 'New products' mod = 'blockcms'}


</ Li>

{/ If}

{If $ show_best_sales &&! $ PS_CATALOG_MODE}

<Li class = "item">

<a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'best-sales') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Top Sellers' mod = 'blockcms'} ">

{L s = 'Top Sellers' mod = 'blockcms'}


</ Li>

{/ If}

{If $ display_stores_footer}

<Li class = "item">

<a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'stores') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Our stores' mod = 'blockcms'} ">

{L s = 'Our stores' mod = 'blockcms'}


</ Li>

{/ If}

{If $ show_contact}

<Li class = "item">

<a href="{$link-> getPageLink ($ CONTACT_URL, true) | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Contact us' mod = 'blockcms'} ">

{L s = 'Contact us' mod = 'blockcms'}


</ Li>

{/ If}

{Foreach from = $ cmslinks item = cmslink}

{If $ cmslink.meta_title! = ''}

<Li class = "item">

<a href="{$cmslink.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$cmslink.meta_title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">

{$ Cmslink.meta_title | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'}


</ Li>

{/ If}

{/ Foreach}

{If $ show_sitemap}


<a href="{$link-> getPageLink ( 'sitemap') | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} "title =" {l s = 'Sitemap' mod = 'blockcms'} ">

{L s = 'Sitemap' mod = 'blockcms'}


</ Li>

{/ If}

</ Ul>

{$ Footer_text}

</ Section>

{If $ display_poweredby}

<Div class = "bottom-footer al-xs-12">







//////// This is the code and put it here //////////////////




<Script type = "text / javascript"> // <! [CDATA [

tlJsHost var = ((window.location.protocol == "https:") "https://secure.comodo.com/": "http://www.trustlogo.com/");

document.write (unescape ( "% 3Cscript src = '" + tlJsHost + "TrustLogo / javascript / trustlogo.js' type = 'text / javascript'% 3E% 3C / script% 3E"));


</ Script>



<Script language = "JavaScript" type = "text / javascript">

</ Script>

<a href="https://ssl.comodo.com" id="comodoTL"> Comodo SSL </a>




//////// up to this point //////////////////





 <Span class = "current-year"> { 'Y' | date} </ span> {l s = 'Sorpresia.com Mexico | All rights reserved% s' mod = 'blockcms' sprintf = [' ']}

</ Div>

</ Div>

{/ If}

<! - / MODULE Block footer ->

{/ If}

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