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Real hosting options?

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It is a Prestashop solution, I don't think it had all of the features you are looking for though.


I don't think it is a serious limitation, there are plenty of developers that will offer solutions like that. I manage sever shops for customers and have similar packages for them.

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Are you talking about automatic patching of the server and/or PrestaShop?


And are you actually looking for a server (VPS, etc.) or are you just looking for a good hosting option and open to a shared server setup?


Our shared hosting packages come with free CDN and backups - and if you would use the Scriptaculous installer for PrestaShop, it will send you reminders when PrestaShop needs updated, and provide (mostly) automatic PrestaShop updgrades. That type of a setup would get you most of the way there.


If your requirements necessitate a VPS, you'll have a bit more legwork in order to accomplish your goals. A managed server with cPanel would provide you with patches and updates handled on the server end, and cPanel would one method that would give you the facility to run daily snapshots of your site and databases.



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Don't ever backup to the same server or the same facility. When a harddrive decides to go out, and they will, it takes several hours to rebuild the indexes and check the drives. Cpanel backups are nice, but if you can't access your cpanel then they are useless if you have to redeploy a site while a server is down.


Use a service like myrepono to backup off site.

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