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Debugging - config.inc.php

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Hi, OK, the first few lines in my config.ini.php file look like this...


* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA



/* Debug only */

@ini_set('display_errors', 'E_ALL');

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false);


$start_time = microtime(true);


/* Compatibility warning */



Nothing appears to have changed. The problems I can see remain that users cannot check out an order and as admin I can't access "Modules" from the Modules drop down menu.


I am guessing that one or more third party modules that I have installed are incompatible with 1.5.1 and that the PayPal module specifically has trouble with 1.5.1 but without access to modules I don't know how to turn modules off one by one or how to upgrade the PayPal module.


Any help deeply appreciated. Thank you.

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Hi, ahhh! may have something here. Using the on/true first debug method in config and trying to access modules in admin using Chrome I get this error...


Fatal error: Cannot make non static method ModuleCore::display() static in class PayPal in /home/maravelo/public_html/modules/paypal/paypal.php on line 1364


I'm guessing that the PayPal module may be causing all of the problems. How can I upgrade that module please?

Edited by maraveloJewellery (see edit history)
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Hi, thanks for your help. I've gone around in many circles but now I have made some progress by installing 1.5.1 again but this time using 1 click upgrade in prestashop modules. Previously I have always used Softaculous via my hosting cPanel without issues but this time it appears to have caused problems. Oh and I did remove the Paypal module first and re-installed the latest version.


The solution isn't perfect. I think I have a lot of work to do yet to get everything functioning properly but at least the sites are live again and I have full access to admin. In particular product categories and features appear to be in a mess but that's a seperate issue.


Thank you for helping me.

Edited by maraveloJewellery (see edit history)
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