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403 error after changing index.php in SEO


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I followed instructions on here to change the


back office > preferences >SEO & URLs > index.php


As when I post a link to Facebook it shows 'Shop powered by Prestashop'


So I changed it to say my shop name.


hit save and now I get this when I try to access the front end of the shop:




You don't have permission to access /shop/ on this server. Apache/2 Server at mysite.com Port 80


Any idea how to fix this please?


Yzzy :wacko:



Edited by Yzzy (see edit history)
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Hi Yzzy,


You may need to log into your database with something like phpMyAdmin and edit the table called ps_category_lang to undo your changes.


But I'm wondering what you could have done to get a Forbidden notice - this notice means you are trying to access a password protected directory. Did you change the Rewritten URL for index.php? You should leave this as blank!

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