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Product - category problem (disappeared due to no category)

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Hey all...got a problem!

I was entering in a product, removed the default home catoegry and went to click a new parent category but hit the wrong key on my computer and hit enter instead. This created a new product without any assigned category. <_< I initially thought my computer just did some sort of glitch and so I re-entered the product. The re-entry is there fine and categorized, but the mistake one is out there...somewhere...but I can't find it in the back end to delete it. It shows in the front office in new products listing so I know it's in the database and I can even see the product id number. I tried to enter the product id and do a filter in various categories, but nothing is showing up. Any ideas how I can find the bad product listing so I can get in there to delete it? :(

Thanks for any help. :)

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I have tried to pull it up by inputting the item number and using the filter through a number of categories but it not finding it. I am assuming that since it was not asssigned to any category that is why it is not picking it up and that it is only searching for the item in the category on such searched. I was wondering about your suggestion of having to just go into the database and find the item by the number listing and manually delete it but I wanted to see if anyone had any way to do it through the backend. I would assign it to a category if I cound find it somewhere to pull it up to edit, but no such luck. I will go into the database and delete it and get back if there are any problems. Thanks for your help.

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I know this post is a tad old but I figured I'd post the solution. I do this all the time...add or change a product and somehow not associate it with a category and a rouge product is out in Prestashop space. In the back office, put a few keywords of your missing-in-action product and the Back Office search box WILL find it, then you edit it and add the appropriate category. Finally, something simple right?

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