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[SOLVED] Multiple drop down menues

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Hello guys


l'm new here and l need some help. l will describe my problem first.

When you create product group and than attributes which are added to particular group there is just one drop down menu.

Since some products have a lot of variations many combinations are possible and so there is to much attributes to add. lf one product is available for many car models, three main bearing sizes and three rod bearing sizes and each and every model can choose any of bearing sizes than there is simply to much attributes to add, takes to long and is difficult to navigate.

That is true if there is just ONE drop down menu but if there are three it's a lot easier.


See the link for example as to how would l like it to have.





Can someone tell me how can l make multiple drop down menues to solve this problem? Been trying and looking around but can't figuire it out myself.

My product listing looks like the one on pic bellow.


The second question is about the text behind the price "tax. incl.". lf l click option "no tax" price is without tax but text remains. Is there a way to remove this text or not? lf yes how, where?


l'd be very thankfull if someone can give direct specific answers.




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