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Problème écriture personnalisation dans le panier et la facture

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J'ai un petit soucis concernant la transmission de la personnalisation du produit :


Par exemple lors qu'enregistre le texte

Sur son petit nuage

un ange à fait rencontrer

Laetitia et Franck,

qui aujourd'hui

Vous invitent à fêter

"Le fruit de leur Amour"...


Cela me donne dans mon panier le texte :


Sur son petit nuage

un ange à fait rencontrer

Laetitia et Franck,

qui aujourd\'hui

Vous invitent à fêter

\"Le fruit de leur Amour\"...


Et dans la facture pdf :


Sur son petit nuage <br />un ange à fait rencontrer<br

/>Laetitia et Franck,<br />qui aujourd\'hui <br />Vous invitent à fêter<br />\"Le

fruit de leur Amour\"<br />


Pouvez vous me dire comment enlever les \ et <br /> qui se rajoutent ?


Merci d'avance !

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  • 3 years later...

So, for the bashslash before each apostrophe, i wrote "SetEnv MAGIC_QUOTES 0" in my .htaccess


But for invoice pdf, i still have <br /> for each return line


I guess it is somewhere here, i have to modify  "\n" but which one... :

if (isset($customizedDatas[$product['product_id']][$product['product_attribute_id']]))


                                                                          $custoLabel = '';


                                                                          foreach($customizedDatas[$product['product_id']][$product['product_attribute_id']] as $customizedData)


                                                                                         $customizationGroup = $customizedData['datas'];

                                                                                         $nb_images = 0;


                                                                                         if (array_key_exists(_CUSTOMIZE_FILE_, $customizationGroup))

                                                                                                       $nb_images = sizeof($customizationGroup[_CUSTOMIZE_FILE_]);


                                                                                         if (array_key_exists(_CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD_, $customizationGroup))

                                                                                                        foreach($customizationGroup[_CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD_] as $customization)

                                                                                                                      if(!empty($customization['name'])) $custoLabel .= '- '.$customization['name'].': '.$customization['value']."\n";



                                                                                         if ($nb_images > 0)

                                                                                                       $custoLabel .= '- '.$nb_images. ' '. self::l('image(s)')."\n";


                                                                                         $custoLabel .= "---\n";



                                                                          $custoLabel = rtrim($custoLabel, "---\n");

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