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An error has occurred during the file copy.

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Need some help desperately.


Our company is using Prestashop 1.4.4 and attempting to use the theme installer to upload a zip file from our hard drive.


Whenever we attempt the upload we get the following error.


'An error has occurred during the file copy.'


I have already updated the permissions as per a previous thread to 777. That did not help.


Thanks for any assistance.

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File copy error is permissions related.

Permissions should be set 777 for directories and 666 for files (warning some hosting comp has other settings - ie: OVH 707/606)


The problem is that the installer does the copy on behalf of the webservice it-self which may have some permission mask set (umask). Those can sometimes be tweaked thru some hoster panel, sometimes can't. If that is the case manual installation is the only option (in fact you create the structure with the files, you set the perms, you rerun the installer, this time it will have the rights)


Hope this make sense.




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Unfortunatly, this theme is like the version it is designed for. Alpha stage.

  • Open the archive.
  • Copy on your server the directories module & theme in their respective folders
  • Change the permissions recursively on those 2 folders so your Webserver process has the rights:
    • 777 for folders & 666 for files should do

    [*]Reuse the theme installer (it should have the rights now)

At that point either it flies as expected then follow the instructions in the doc directory of the archive.


If it doesn't, don't worry, you have everything on the server, so it is just a matter to uninstall a couple of modules and install the missing - in doubt just identifies the modules in the archive by their name, and reset / install them.


Annoyance with the blockcart2 can be fixed with the archive in http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFI-4491

In the forum you'll find partial fix for Block layered, however this feature contains still a lots of bug (filter stays active > product become invisible) - may be wise to de-install in the mean time.


Last but not least, remove the files in themes/prestashop_new/cache, and reset your smarty cache.


Hope this helps, and Merry Christmas


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