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[BUG] Module "blocklayered" shows products with attributes which have stock quantity = 0 (PS1.4.5.1)

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Hello everyone,


I use PS and have an issue with the blocklayered module: When I filter product attributes (e. g. t-shirt sizes like S, M, L, XL etc.), the layered navigation shows products with attributes that aren't available (attribute stock quantity = 0). I guess a workaround would be to delete all product attributes with stock quantity = 0 manually, but that could be a painstaking task in some cases.


Two further bugs also concern the blocklayered module:

  • The price range slider doesn't appear in Internet Explorer 9 (but does in all other browsers)
  • The title of the "price range" segment isn't really translatable. Sure, there's a label for it in the backend, but when I enter a translation (range = "Preisspanne" in German), the translation doesn't appear on the frontend. I guess this could be caused by a missing mod='blocklayered' in blocklayered.tpl on line 98?

Is anyone else experiencing these problems? Or does somebody know a fix, especially for the attributes problem?





Thanks for your help!


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  • 10 months later...


i solved your problem with quantity adding " pa.quantity>0 and " string

in blocklayered.php at above 2254 line

exactly into this case:


case 'id_attribute_group':

$sub_queries = array();



foreach ($filter_values as $filter_value)


$filter_value_array = explode('_', $filter_value);

if (!isset($sub_queries[$filter_value_array[0]]))

$sub_queries[$filter_value_array[0]] = array();

$sub_queries[$filter_value_array[0]][] = 'pac.`id_attribute` = '.(int)$filter_value_array[1];


foreach ($sub_queries as $sub_query)


$query_filters_where .= ' AND p.id_product IN (SELECT pa.`id_product`

FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute_combination` pac

LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` pa

ON (pa.`id_product_attribute` = pac.`id_product_attribute`) WHERE pa.quantity>0 and ';

$query_filters_where .= implode(' OR ', $sub_query).') ';



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