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Can you remove Side-bar on certain pages?

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Hey All,


I am looking at using PrestaShop software for my ecommerce store however I have a couple of questions which I'm hoping someone could help me with before I go ahead and start using it all. Here are my two questions:


1) Is there an option in the admin area to remove the side-bars from being displayed for certain pages. For example I do not want a side bar on the home page or the actual product page. However I want the side-bar to be displayed in the product category page. Is this possible to do in the admin area or would I need a themed designed to have this?


2) For the product category page can I have the option to display my products in either a thumbnail style and/or in the style of being one underneath each other?


I hope this all makes sense and thank you in advance for any help you can give me.


Kind Regards



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Hi James,


1) No, there is no option in the backoffice, but you can manually edit your theme to not display them based on the current page (Prestashop has a smarty variable $page_name with the name of the page, IE product or index).


2) No, but again, you can create a theme that will have the option to do that.

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