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Make attribute without Quantity?

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I have some attributes like color that comes in different quantities and this Prestashop does very well indeed overriding the quantity on first page. My problem appears when I wish to ad an attribute that only affects the price but not the stock, like extra engraving. Is there anyway to ad this kind of attributes and still make use of the excellent inventory system of Prestashop?

So far when I try ta add an non-inventory related attribute and try to skip over "Quantity:" Prestashop gives me an error and refuse to save it.

Anyone know if there is a little hack I can do to get around this?

All the best,

Gustaf Götlund

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  • 1 year later...

This is an old message, but as a new user I am encountering the same dilemma and hope someone has discovered a solution (either in PrestaShop or via a modification)

We sell watch bands and inventory them by size and color. However, we include a free gold or silver buckle with each band. In other words, we may have ten 18mm brown watch bands, and a customer can order it with either a gold or a silver buckle. We don't have five 18mm brown watch bands with gold buckles and five with silver buckles, we have ten available with either buckle.

I would like the buckle color to be another attribute so the customer can go down the line and choose size, color, and buckle color all in one place.

Any ideas? thanks, mimib

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  • 2 years later...

Same problem here.

Here's an outline of my problem:

I have 1 piece of art to sell. I want to offer it with or without a frame. So the combinations are:

Without a Frame

With a Black Frame

With a White Frame

That gives me 3 combinations of something that I only have one of.

And now I'm stumped. I'd call it 'sharing quantities between combinations'.


Seems like a lot of others have had a similar problem. Has anyone heard of a fix yet?

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