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Manufacturer Image and Short Description

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On my Manufacturers link and page I can see a list of images and description of all my manufactuers.


When I click on a manufacturer it takes me to the list of products page. However is it possible to add the main manufacturer image and short description on to this page above the list of products?


All help would be appreciated...



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I've tried added the following to my manufacturer.tpl file after the fifth line to display the manufacturer logo and the description centered above the list of product images:


<img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer.image|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}-medium.jpg" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" />






<img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer->id|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}-medium.jpg" alt="" />




I've even tried adding...


<img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer->id}-medium.jpg" />



And they are not appearing. Has anyone got any idea why?

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You can do this by modifying the theme file of manufacturer page.




I think the manufacturer and manufacturere are sharing the same page theme.


You've lost me??? I have been trying to edit my manufacturer.tpl in my theme folder and nothing is happening when I add:


<img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer->id}-medium.jpg" />



and this should provide the changes on my prestashop page.


At a loss?

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Check tThat if your smarty cache is off and force compile is on to force the changes to be reflected..

Maybe you are are lookoing at the cached pages


Back office




Thannks Shokinro, I turned of Force Compile and Cache to no and deleted Toold/Smarty Cache files. Still no Manufacturer Logo or description.


Any ideas?

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{include file="$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl"}


{include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"}


{if !isset($errors) OR !sizeof($errors)}


<h1>{l s='List of products by manufacturer:'} {$manufacturer->name|



<img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer->id}-medium.jpg" />



{if $products}

{include file="$tpl_dir./product-sort.tpl"}

{include file="$tpl_dir./product-list.tpl" products=$products}

{include file="$tpl_dir./pagination.tpl"}


<p class="warning">{l s='No products for this manufacturer.'}</p>






This is what my manufacturer.tpl looks like...

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Can you check the page controller to see if manufacturer object is assigned to smarty?

I don't remember exactly because I can not access source code at the moment.


The process is different when it is a manufacturer and manufacturers in the page controller.

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I just tested your code, it seems working fine.

You can have a look at the following demo site, apple logo and description is there.




Please make sure you have set the logo data and description for the manufacturer.

if everything is set correctly, it should work.


I still thinking could some cache issue. Please also clear your browser cache.

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Cleared the cache on browser and in tools/smarty/ compile – deleted all files, and tools/smarty/ cache – deleted all files.


Still no joy.. very weird and driving me absolutely nuts.... arghhhh...


All I want is the Manufacturer Image and Short Description above the products...


Why is is so hard...

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I have no idea why it does not work at your end.

actually I am using exactly the same code as your and I put it at the same location.


<img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer->id}-medium.jpg" />


How many themes have installed on your site, are you sure you are editing the right theme file.

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Does both image and description not show up or just one of them?


can you confirm the HTML code at browser to see if the code added is in effect.

if you can find the img tag there. it means our code is working. so it could something else like file permission issue.

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Delete the code and add "this is a test" then save and upload. Open one of the pages that should have the text, making sure to clear caches, if the text is not there your not editing the correct file.


Can you supply a link to your site please so I can see what's happening.

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Just deleted the code:


<img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer->id}-medium.jpg" />




from manufacturers.tpl in my theme folder.


Added the text.


Deleted the Tools/Smarty/Compile and Tools/Smarty/Cache




All my category pages have now disappeared? The home page is fine and manufactures are fine, and so are individual products.... whats happened?



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Just deleted the code:


<img src="{$img_manu_dir}{$manufacturer->id}-medium.jpg" />




from manufacturers.tpl in my theme folder.


Added the text.


Deleted the Tools/Smarty/Compile and Tools/Smarty/Cache




All my category pages have now disappeared? The home page is fine and manufactures are fine, and so are individual products.... whats happened?





I can view all my manufacturers fine in the manufacturers link.


When I click on an individual manufacturer i get a blank page?



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Fixed it :-)


Phew! I just copied the manufacturer.tpl to my desktop from my theme, and the copied the manufacturer.tpl file from the main prestashop theme into the theme folder I am using and voila!


Thank you everyone for all your support...

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Thank buddy, however I never post links to my sites as in the past two have been hacked as a result.


I transferred the manufacturers.tpl in my core theme folder to my theme folder based on something you said and lo and behold the Manufacturer Image and Short Description appeared on the manufacturer products pages which is awesome, so thank you.


However I need to centre the image... any ideas...



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