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[Solved] Code compatibility by file - Line 27 in file: /order-detail.tpl: getPageLink is missing

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Good evening

I have completed an upgrade to 1.4.3.

When I checked the validation of my theme I am receiving quite a few errors for compatibility to do with getPageLink is missing.

How do I FIX these so that my theme is compatible???

Here is the list:

Code compatibility by file

Line 27 in file: /order-detail.tpl: getPageLink is missing

<form action="{$base_dir_ssl}{if isset($opc) && $opc}order-opc{else}order{/if}.php" method="post" class="submit">

You have to call the pages using the getPageLink method


Line 68 in file: /order-detail.tpl: getPageLink is missing

id|intval}{if $is_guest}&secure;_key={$order->secure_key}{/if}">{l s='Download your invoice as a
.PDF file'}

You have to call the pages using the getPageLink method


Line 231 in file: /order-detail.tpl: getPageLink is missing

id}&secure;_key={$order->secure_key}{/if}" title="{l s='download this product'}">

You have to call the pages using the getPageLink method


Line 234 in file: /order-detail.tpl: getPageLink is missing
id}&secure;_key={$order->secure_key}{/if}" title="{l s='download this product'}">

You have to call the pages using the getPageLink method


File : order-slip.tpl (2)

Line 56 in file: /order-slip.tpl: getPageLink is missing

{l s='Order slip'} {l s='#'}{$slip.id_order_slip|string_format:

You have to call the pages using the getPageLink method


Line 57 in file: /order-slip.tpl: getPageLink is missing

{l s='PDF'}

You have to call the pages using the getPageLink method


and so on...

Can someone please advise how I can rectify this... many thanks

Thanks in advance.

kind regards

I've sorted this myself now - thanks.

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