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States show [object Object] on account creation with Google Chrome & Firefox

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Recently I tried to my shop update from 1.3.3 to and failed.
So I recovered my shop with backup files and DB to 1.3.3 and it seems working fine.
But one customer informed me an error on account creation.
He used google chrome and he had an error on [states] select drop down menu when he try to make new account in my shop.
It shows only [object Object] in case choosing a country to USA.
So I tried to fix this problem with some similar post on this forum.
Replace original files to theme\prestashop (I use original theme) but failed.
But I found an interesting thing.
IE8 has no error. It shows correct States on it's States drop down menu.
Firefox 3 and Google Chrome 12.0.742.91 has an error [object Object].
I updated my Firefox 3 to Firefox 4 and it works fine.

But Firefox 3 and Google Chrome 12.0.742.91 still has an this error [object Object].

I have no idea what to do for this problem.
Can you explain what I have to do?


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  • 10 months later...

got the same problem! what i do?

After selecting the country the state shown in dropdown as [odject object]?

Please help :(


and you use the same prestashop version? Im asking because this is a bit old thread.

is there any chance to check your website?

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