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hookActionValidateOrder not working,

Qamar Zaman

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 public function install()
        if (Shop::isFeatureActive()) {
        return parent::install() &&

 public function hookActionValidateOrder($params){
        $email =  $couponCode = '';
        $order = $params['order'];
        $email = ($order->id_customer == 0 && $order->guest_email) ? $order->guest_email : '';
        PrestaShopLogger::addLog("Existing email and coupon found. 11");

        // Get the email ID of a guest if applicable
            return true;

        PrestaShopLogger::addLog("Existing email and coupon found. 12");

        $cart = new Cart($order->id_cart);

        // Get applied cart rules (coupons)
        $appliedCartRules = $cart->getCartRules();

        foreach ($appliedCartRules as $appliedCartRule) {
            $couponCode = $appliedCartRule['code'];
            // Use $couponCode as needed
        // Check if the cart has a voucher (coupon) applied
        if (empty($couponCode)){
            return true;
        PrestaShopLogger::addLog("Existing email and coupon found. 14");
        if ($this->existsInDatabase($email, $couponCode)){
            $errorMessage = 'Coupon already used!';
            throw new PrestaShopException($errorMessage);
            PrestaShopLogger::addLog("Existing email and coupon found. 15");
            $this->saveToDatabase($email, $couponCode);

        return true;



I have this code, other 2 functions for checking and savetoDatabase are also fine. But i am not sure why this function is never called, never create a log. Can someone please help me.

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You can check PS documentation about the hook on below link


In PrestaShop, the actionValidateOrder hook is a powerful hook that is triggered when an order is validated or confirmed by a customer. It is a crucial point in the order processing workflow and allows you to perform various actions or modifications when an order is successfully placed by a customer.

It's essential to thoroughly test your module and the actionValidateOrder hook implementation to ensure it behaves as expected when orders are validated.

By using the actionValidateOrder hook in your PrestaShop module, you can extend and customize the order processing flow, allowing you to integrate with external systems, handle additional order-related tasks, and enhance the functionality of your e-commerce store.

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