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Unable to Upgrade Modules on a Fresh v8.0.2 Install


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Hi there,
Just installed v8.0.2 on a new domain, and in modules it says there are 42upgrades available. Now when I try to upgrade them I always get an error message 


Could not perform action update for module undefined

which makes no sense to me, I have already disabled the cache and have placed my store in Maintenance Mode.

Edited by tanmalik786
typo (see edit history)
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  • tanmalik786 changed the title to Unable to Upgrade Modules on a Fresh v8.0.2 Install

I have a similar, though not quite identical, problem.

I have a new site and transferred it to my old (still now current) domain, so I have access to both a maintenance site in Presta (php7.3) and the live site Presta 8.0.2 (php8.1). The old site continues to update modules correctly, and the new site did so until yesterday. It shows three to update (which are already updated on

Best customers v2.0.3 to 2.0.4

Dashboard goals

Dashboard trends

But when attempted, whether in maintenance mode or not, they briefly flash an error:

Cannot Upgrade module statsbestcustomers. Handler not found for source https://addons.prestashop.com/en/analytics-statistics/15265-best-customers.html?utm_source=back-office&utm_medium=push-addons&utm_campaign=back-office-EN&utm_content=download

On the dashboard in back office, all reports such as Online Visitors, Active shopping carts, Notifications etc show a spinning symbol and never update.

Clues what to try to fix this?

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Good idea - but I'm logged in as superadmin so that ought to allow anything to proceed (and always has; the same profile was in use in, which upgraded without a problem). Just in case, I added module permission to the other 'standard' profiles like translator, but the error continues. Thanks for thinking of that.

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2 hours ago, CJH said:

Good idea - but I'm logged in as superadmin so that ought to allow anything to proceed (and always has;

That has noting to do with permission setting of your folders. e and other shop need writting permissions for some folders.

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Thanks NickZ - I assumed you had meant the permissions for admin (that's where that link took me). But anyway, the file permissions seem all okay and the two sites are identical. I had (and still do) assume the problem is more with the Prestashop end, given the error indicates a problem with the lack of a handler for the module (I lack knowledge what this actually is).

CompGrafPL - thanks also for the idea. I tried resetting the module before, but this made no difference. I have now renamed the folder and updates changed to 2. I found the Best Customers module in marketplace and tried to insall it, but the message appeared: 'An error occurred while installing statsbestcustomers.' So that did not work. Perhaps you are correct - the module will not work with 8.02 and php8.1 ... though I cannot find anyone reporting this. If someone is reading this and has the same combination and successfully upgraded, please let me know so I can cross that off.

In case this was a more widespread problem, I found a totally different stats/dashboard module that I did not have and installed it without problem, so this seems more specific.

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I have discovered one discrepancy.

The module page for best customer does not have any install or download button, but shows that the latest version is 2.0.4 and is compliant up to presta 8.0.3.

The available 'upgrade' in the modules area of back office indicates that an upgrade is available from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4.

But when the module is renamed to remove it (cache cleared, var/prod deleted) and a new install is made available through marketplace, this is only 2.0.3 (which is what is already installed, once put back).

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Update. Nothing I tried would work. That included downloading the github modules and trying to upload them ('not a module' error message).

Then 8.0.3 was released, which successfully updated Prestashop and upgraded the errant modules at the same time. Whether the problem resumes will have to await a new module update being required.

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I "fixed" the problem (i found another way to upgrade modules). In the main list of upgradable modules, for each of them there is the link in the description "more informations". If you click there, it open the new box where there are informations about the module, and on the top of the right side there is the button "upgrade". If you try on that button it upgrade the module correctly. In attachment also images to understand better



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Thanks. I'll try that when a module update comes along again.

In the meantime, I have found that a manual update does now work, but only by downloading directly from github then installing. This is a frustrating one ...

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  • 7 months later...

Hallo, ich hatte auch das Problem mit dem "Upgrade" der Module.

Folgende Problem hat den "error" erzeugt.

Die Einstellungen bei meinem Hoster für die PHP-Unterstützung waren falsch.

Mit folgender Einstellung ging es dann:

PHP-Unterstützung: (PHP-Version 8.1.24), PHP ausführen als "FPM-Anwendung (nginx)"

(Als "Apache" und PHP-Version 7.4 ging das Upgrade der Module nicht.)


Vielleicht hilft es ja :)

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