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Do we have a guest book module?

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I would recommend using a module for Prestashop or using the product editorial/comments module included with v1.1. It would be much better than trying to integrate another script.
Feel free to msg me with questions.


I will try with your suggestion first. Thanks for the idea.
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I'm not a programer, i do it and find it from myselfe !!!!
So if it's not too good versio, never mind everybody, it's good for me and it is only the important for me :)

1.) I download a ready php guestbook
2.) I put it into a folder which name is /gbook
3.) I made a php file and name it to igbook.php and put it into the root folder




4.) I made the name control
I put some variable from the blockuserinfo

This is the name area:

  <input type="hidden" name="vname" size="30" maxlength="70" value="<?=($cookie->logged ? $cookie->customer_lastname.' '.$cookie->customer_firstname : false)?>">

5.) I made the registration needed with a simple "if".. because if you are not loged in the name area will be empty and if it's empty :

if ($vname == "") {
      input_err('<META http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=../../my-account.php" />');

So, it's not too easy, but working, and i think everything can be integrate to the PS if you are know what you do :)

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No, becaue I downloaded a ready guest book, which don't need tpl, it's a "graphic php" or I don't know what is the name when the php is include the graphic :)

Can you share us your module? My program requires database, and it do not work the way you show me.

Your help is greatly appreciated.
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