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[SOLVED] Free shipping for specific products (FrontOffice and Product Feed)


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I need to offer free shipping on specific products that can also reflect that free shipping on the product feed to export it to several Marketplaces.

From what I already found, with Prestashop there are 2 ways of partially doing this (partially because they only work inside the store, when a customer is navigating through it and it doesn't reflect the Free Shipping on the Product Feed):
1 - Create a cart Rule that offers free shipping on a specific product
Pros: it works when you are navigating the store
Cons: it only shows Free Shipping after you login and add your address, making it worst at UX because the clients don't see free shipping right after they add the product to Cart.
It doesn't reflect the Free Shipping rule on the Product Feeds

2 - Use a module (in this case I used a module of the marketplace, if you want to know what module, let me know)
Pros: it shows Free Shipping right after the customer add the product to Cart which is great for UX
Cons: It doesn't reflect the Free Shipping rule on the Product Feeds

The problem start when we export the Product list to integrate in Marketplaces: the rule of free shipping for a specific product doesn't reflect on that list, making the prices different from the Online Store to the Marketplace, causing problems because the Marketplace is warning to remove the store because of the price discrepancies.


Did someone found an answer to this?

Thank you!

Edited by mansan
found the solution (see edit history)
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  • mansan changed the title to [SOLVED] Free shipping for specific products (FrontOffice and Product Feed)

For future reference, I will post a possible solution for this problem, but nevertheless, I think this is a lack of a feature necessary in these days: have a module that allows to choose a specific product to offer Free Shipping and reflect it in The Product Feeds

I found a way to hack this by messing with weights. I will explain what we did for our customers and get it to work.

1 - create a new interval on the Default Shipping Carrier with a absurd weight (for example 10 000 Kg to 100 000 Kg)
2 - put 0 as the Shipping Cost for that interval in the zone(s) you want to offer shipping (specially, on the default zone so that the feed creator pick up this 0 cost shipping at this weight interval)
3 - assign that absurd weight on the product you want to offer Free Shipping (in this case, 10 000Kg)
4 - You're done!

In my opinion, this is a hack that prevents you to buy all the Free shipping modules that announces that can configure Free Shipping on Specific Products. After I bought several of them, I realized that most of them were only a replica of what Prestashop already has (Cart Rules) which have a poorer UX (when you add a product that you want to have Free Shipping to the cart, by using Cart Rules it doesn't show "Free Shipping" on the popup window, which is a visual mistake IMO) and others had a more correct approach to this issue in terms of UX but the Feed Generators couldn't communicate with these third party modules making the feed incorrect.


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  • 11 months later...
On 9/16/2022 at 11:42 AM, mansan said:

For future reference, I will post a possible solution for this problem, but nevertheless, I think this is a lack of a feature necessary in these days: have a module that allows to choose a specific product to offer Free Shipping and reflect it in The Product Feeds

I found a way to hack this by messing with weights. I will explain what we did for our customers and get it to work.

1 - create a new interval on the Default Shipping Carrier with a absurd weight (for example 10 000 Kg to 100 000 Kg)
2 - put 0 as the Shipping Cost for that interval in the zone(s) you want to offer shipping (specially, on the default zone so that the feed creator pick up this 0 cost shipping at this weight interval)
3 - assign that absurd weight on the product you want to offer Free Shipping (in this case, 10 000Kg)
4 - You're done!

In my opinion, this is a hack that prevents you to buy all the Free shipping modules that announces that can configure Free Shipping on Specific Products. After I bought several of them, I realized that most of them were only a replica of what Prestashop already has (Cart Rules) which have a poorer UX (when you add a product that you want to have Free Shipping to the cart, by using Cart Rules it doesn't show "Free Shipping" on the popup window, which is a visual mistake IMO) and others had a more correct approach to this issue in terms of UX but the Feed Generators couldn't communicate with these third party modules making the feed incorrect.


Hi, we have free shipping from 100€ in our default carrier. Did you manage to still do this for a certain product? Because as I understand that only works if default carrier has prices based on weight or did I misunderstand how you solved it?

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