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Problem with Helper Category Tree


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Can somebody explain to me the requirements for:


that are found in the following:


'type' => 'categories',

'label' => 'tree categories',

'name' => 'type_categories',

'tree' => array(

'root_category' => 1,

'id' => 'id_category,

'name' => 'name_category',

'selected_categories' => array(3),



The reason for my asking is that I am experiencing a problem with the category tree in my custom module. When I make a selection by clicking the checkbox, the blue tick shows, but when I click the save button the blue tick disappears, however the selection temporarily works.

Additional Information;

The Switch buttons are also not working, but the mColorPicker is working.

I am using Prestashop

Any help will be appreciated.



Edited by cscreenstore
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Did you send variable value in template var after fetch from configuration. Where you try to include this in configuration page of module or admin controller. If possible you can send the module in Private message or post the code here. We or other Prestashop expert can help you by install the module and debug the code if possible.


Thank you

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Thank you for replying to my problem.

Can you elaborate, I don't understand what you mean. I am a novice here and need you to explain it a bit more. Also, it is in the configuration of my module, not a controller.

I don't understand why the mColorPicker is working, but the Switch, and Tree are not working. Surely if there is a problem, none of the Helpers would work.



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Thank you for your reply. I did what you suggested and got the following error.

'Uncaught Reference Error Onboarding is not defined'

The version I am testing on is So I installed and tested on and and it works fine on those versions. I am only experiencing the problem in

Thanks for any further help


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If your shop is test shop, I suggest you to install latest PrestaShop version which release few days agos. and then check. The category tree normally used in module used old system, each new PrestaShop version is moving in symphony . So they may be  remove it. 

If you send me the module via PM i can check in my local development pc 

Thank you

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