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The controller AdminPsMboModule is missing or invalid.


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Hi guys and gals!

I saw this error message " Page not found - The controller AdminPsMboModule is missing or invalid." yesterday for the first time on when I tried to open "Modules"-> "Module Catalog".

I get a similar message when I click on "Design" -> "Theme Catalog" Page not found - The controller AdminPsMboTheme is missing or invalid.

I thought running an update to would be a fix, but I was mistaken. The error persists.

Is there any way I can fix this

Must I trash 1 month of work ?

I have  a spare Version from January 8 with a different SQL-Database, that seems okay, but I would hate to have to revert and lose time.



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No no, you don't need to trash it. That error means one of your module had that controller but somehow it is missing now but its entry is still in the database. The actual solution of it should be to get that file back but if you just want to make it working without that controller then go to the database and find ps_tab table and search for AdminPsMboTheme in the 'class_name' column and delete it from there, and respected entries from ps_tab_lang. But before doing this don't forget to take backup of those tables for your safe side. This should allow you to load rest of pages then.

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Thank you!

I will try. For the event I don't get it corrected I will use a backup version from a month ago. In fact, most of the mods sice were text based and I have them all separate in text docs. Not such a big deal. 

Sometimes things are not as bad as theyseem.

I will just make a backup every day of my database every day now. I should be doing this anyways.  It is still in a development stage, so it is not such a big deal.

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  • 1 month later...

Yep, i've updated Prestashop to the latest version ( and i got the same error accessing from the left menu, but if i try to access with any of the "recommended modules" buttons that appears (upper right button) in any other section, it works well.

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On 2/6/2020 at 8:46 PM, Vipul Hadiya said:

No no, you don't need to trash it. That error means one of your module had that controller but somehow it is missing now but its entry is still in the database. The actual solution of it should be to get that file back but if you just want to make it working without that controller then go to the database and find ps_tab table and search for AdminPsMboTheme in the 'class_name' column and delete it from there, and respected entries from ps_tab_lang. But before doing this don't forget to take backup of those tables for your safe side. This should allow you to load rest of pages then.




i have the same problem (PrestaShop 1.7). Can you explain where i can find the ps_tab?

i ts first time i use PrestaShop.

Thanks a lot

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On 2/6/2020 at 4:46 PM, Vipul Hadiya said:

No no, you don't need to trash it. That error means one of your module had that controller but somehow it is missing now but its entry is still in the database. The actual solution of it should be to get that file back but if you just want to make it working without that controller then go to the database and find ps_tab table and search for AdminPsMboTheme in the 'class_name' column and delete it from there, and respected entries from ps_tab_lang. But before doing this don't forget to take backup of those tables for your safe side. This should allow you to load rest of pages then.


Should I delete the whole row where class_name = AdminPsMboTheme, or just clear the classname and keep the row?

Are people experiencing this with siteground and/or softaculous? Seems like a Prestashop/Softaculous issue...??

I treid removing all these 4 rows, without any effect. Inserted them back since:


Edited by Surffari
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

We don't recommend anymore to use v1.1.1 of this module because it doesn't manage network resiliency in case of PrestaShop Addons is down.

We released a new version v2.0.1 to gracefully handle connectivity troubles to not slowest anymore your Back Office in this case.

You can find the latest release of this module here : https://github.com/PrestaShopCorp/ps_mbo/releases/latest

Have a good evening



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/18/2020 at 4:46 AM, Matt75 said:

Yes, we talk about this yesterday.

Timeout should be increased to 10 here : https://github.com/PrestaShopCorp/ps_mbo/blob/master/src/ExternalContentProvider/ExternalContentProvider.php#L33

Was trying to help a store owner with this recommendation. After installing and increasing timout to 10, backoffice of store ran to "HTTP Error 500" and I'm trying to figure the cause out. Deleted ps_mbo module folder but I still can't access back-office because of Error 500. Tried to inspect error with define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); but by doing so, front office throw lot of unexpected exceptions while back-office is accessible. 

Want to know what may be the cause. It would save lot of my time.  Store URL: www.mbshnepal.com

Thanks and have a good day.  :) 

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  • 3 years later...
On 6/20/2020 at 1:28 PM, Matt75 said:

Hi @geeksagar

Please cleanup your cache folder, follow instruction given here https://github.com/PrestaShopCorp/ps_mbo/releases/tag/v2.0.1

If issue still occur, please see in var/logs of your PrestaShop directory if you can find more information about the issue.


I have this error no metter what I do. 

[2023-10-10 16:11:04] request.INFO: Matched route "admin_mbo_catalog_module". {"route":"admin_mbo_catalog_module","route_parameters":{"_controller":"mbo.controller.modules:catalogAction","_legacy_controller":"AdminPsMboModule","_legacy_link":"AdminPsMboModule","_route":"admin_mbo_catalog_module"},"request_uri":"https://vidos-domofony.pl/XXXXXXXX/index.php/modules/addons/modules/catalog?_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","method":"GET"} []
[2023-10-10 16:11:04] security.DEBUG: Read existing security token from the session. {"key":"_security_main","token_class":"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\UsernamePasswordToken"} []
[2023-10-10 16:11:04] security.DEBUG: User was reloaded from a user provider. {"provider":"PrestaShopBundle\\Security\\Admin\\EmployeeProvider","username":"XXXXXXXXXXX"} []
[2023-10-10 16:11:04] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: "Unable to generate a URL for the named route "admin_mbo_security" as such route does not exist." at /home/sklepvid/domains/vidos-domofony.pl/public_html/var/cache/prod/appProdProjectContainerUrlGenerator.php line 599 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\RouteNotFoundException(code: 0): Unable to generate a URL for the named route \"admin_mbo_security\" as such route does not exist. at /home/sklepvid/domains/vidos-domofony.pl/public_html/var/cache/prod/appProdProjectContainerUrlGenerator.php:599)"} []
[2023-10-10 16:11:04] security.DEBUG: Stored the security token in the session. {"key":"_security_main"} []


Edited by Tomi14 (see edit history)
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