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  1. Past hour
  2. But that m2 is something totally different. You said you want a dropdown list to let you swith between different products and it's done here:
  3. I'm sorry if I'm slow, but I don't understand from the video how to set this module up. Can someone please explain it to me?
  4. hast du Zugang zum server? Da gibt es logs unter var/log/apache2 oder nginx, im BO hast du Möglichkeiten nach Änderungen zu sehen und so weiter.
  5. thanks for your response Someone suggested that I disable the Prestashop Account module : Problem solved :]]
  6. Perfecto, ya tienes mas tiempo. Piensa bien, el shared hoster esta obligado en actualizar, así debes prepararte. Realmente no solamente tu sino todos aquellos que comparten el gusto de poner todos los huevos en una canasta. Tampoco es un regaño, es la consecuencia de perfeccionar una tienda sin gastar un pensamiento como crecer exponencialmente. You are not alone most people set up their shop, start selling and forget about conquering the world, i.e. like amazon
  7. great! thanks for your work -> seems to work for me 🙏
  8. Today
  9. Hello. I hope you're well. I'm actually trying to override one module inside another. As on the official prestashop documentation, I did the test with the blockreassurance module, making of course an override of the AdminBlockListingController class. I followed exactly the same procedure as in the documentation, putting the file in the directory: /modules/mymodule/override/modules/blockreassurance/controllers/admin/AdminBlockListingController.php. But to my surprise, after installing my module, the copy is not made. I don't know why. But when I override the module's main class (class blockreassurance extends Module), the copy goes through. I don't know why when it comes to controllers, front or back, it doesn't copy to the override folder. here's the link to the docs: https://devdocs.prestashop-project.org/8/modules/concepts/overrides/ I don't really know what's going on. Please help me
  10. You can set specific prices for a product that is based on a whole number of factors (not just customer group) down to an individual customer (see attached image). The issue would be importing them all (I believe you can only import certains types of specific prices with the standard import tools). The query to select the price for the customer shouldn't slow the store down significantly but additional queries will obviously always slow things down to an extent. It wouldn't be impossible to script an import as long as you can create the import files with product id, customer id and the price for that customer.
  11. The second option of the shop fits what we need, the only thing that instead of doing it by m2 would be by kilos. Would it be possible?
  12. As I mentioned, creating customer groups is not a good solution, because every customer would be in a different group.
  13. Hello, thank you for reporting. That issue has been fixed in 1.1.1 version. Version 1.1.1 has been released, changes: fixed checkbox field issue caused by PrestaShop jquery.uniform.js library tag-concierge-gtm-consent-mode-banner-free-1.1.1.zip
  14. Hej, Jak w tytule, swieżo postawiona presta 8.1.5. logowanie do panelu przebiega bez problemu. po kliknieciu na tlumaczenia pojawia sie bialy ekran z bledem 400 bad request. konsola dev tools lapie takie bledy : GET https://mojastrona.pl/admin/index.php/improve/international/translations/settings?_token=1DMHM8PQMYRsiCPgIkwOG2eWjCvnY24Hr7gH7g67HFo 400 (Bad Request) Co może być problemem i jak to naprawic?
  15. Hi, certainly the best solution as you mentioned, should be to create customers groups, with catalog rules.
  16. Downgrade PHP version if you can or upgrade PS, your PS version supports to PHP 7.1 max.
  17. Please indicate versions of PS, PHP and gsitemap module.
  18. @ZHSoft Why should I not use it? I use the Docker environment in this project only for the development of the theme and plug-ins for PrestaShop, the store is set up in the traditional way directly on the server. In the past I used a XAMPP-based environment for these purposes, but it was very problematic, Docker has made my work incredibly smooth (due to, among other things, those advantages of Docker that @Paul C mentioned), so that's why I use it. In general, it turned out that the problem was probably not related to the fact that I am using Docker, here is a quote from another developer who had a similar problem, to my topic about this issue on GitHub: And perhaps this is what happened in my case, some module wasn't installed, or maybe didn't even exist at all in the PrestaShop Docker image I used on the local environment, but by doing a database dump from production store and importing it into the local environment I also dumped the ps_tab table according to which this module exists/is installed, making AdminController induce a redirection loop. The solution to this error seems simple - PrestaShop should check if the modules are present before forcing to use a nonexistent controller. I think you should not worry about my business approach to the project, the topic is about a little bug that is quite specific but real and occurs as we see in PrestaShop.
  19. I found the solution here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/32986 Exactly this post: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/32986#issuecomment-1607898043
  20. Hello, I'm looking for a solution for our eshop. The problem is our company's discount system: we assign a price list to each customer, as a result of that an individual discount is applied to each customer for each product. We have ~1k products, but in the customer price list, the discount is indicated only for a certain number of products (if the product is not in the price list, then the standard price is applied to such products). I think it could be possible to create special prices for products according to the customer, but then there will be a lot of such special price rules for each product. Is there any limit for special price rules number? Won't a large number of special price rules slow down the eshop? It is not possible to divide customers into customer groups and apply discounts accordingly. Maybe someone have encountered a similar problem? Is Prestashop suitable for implementing such a discount system in general? Maybe there are some modules?
  21. Para el que le pueda interesar, he solucionado mi problema, quizá no es la mejor manera ni la mas elegante pero es funcional. lo que he hecho ha sido irme a themes/child_classic/assets/js/custom.js y he creado el siguiente script: let changeCarriersNames = function () { if (document.querySelector('.delivery-options-list')) { // Obtener el idioma desde la URL var language = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; // Obtener el segmento del idioma desde la URL var carrierTranslations = { 'Paquetería postal': { 'es': 'Paquetería postal', 'fr': 'Service postal', 'en': 'Postal Service', 'de': 'Postdienst', 'pt': 'Serviço postal', 'nl': 'Postdienst' }, 'Envío en camión': { 'es': 'Envío en camión con entrega concertada', 'fr': 'Livraison en camion avec rendez-vous prévu', 'en': 'Truck Delivery with Scheduled Delivery', 'de': 'LKW-Zustellung mit vereinbarter Lieferung', 'pt': 'Entrega em caminhão com entrega programada', 'nl': 'Vrachtwagenlevering met geplande levering' } }; // Obtener todos los elementos .delivery-option var deliveryOptions = document.querySelectorAll('.delivery-option'); deliveryOptions.forEach(function(deliveryOption) { var carrierSpan = deliveryOption.querySelector('.carrier-name'); if (carrierSpan) { var carrierOriginalName = carrierSpan.textContent.trim(); // Verificar si hay una traducción disponible if (carrierTranslations[carrierOriginalName] && carrierTranslations[carrierOriginalName][language]) { carrierSpan.textContent = carrierTranslations[carrierOriginalName][language]; } else { console.warn("No se encontró una traducción para el transportista:", carrierOriginalName, "en el idioma:", language); } } else { console.warn("No se encontró el elemento '.carrier-name' dentro del elemento .delivery-option:", deliveryOption); } }); } } changeCarriersNames(); Después ir al backoffice/admin en Configurar->Parámetros Avanzados->Rendimiento y borrar la caché. *Nota: debes cambiar el array 'carrierTranslations' según tus necesidades, el primer campo corresponde al nombre de tu transportista el que tengas en la columna 'Nombre' de la página Personalizar->Transporte->Transportistas de tu backoffice/admin y debajo las traducciones, puedes usar cualquier idioma de tu tienda, pues lo coge desde la url es decir "tutienda.com/es/pagina.html" aquí coge el /es que pertenece al idioma español, si por alguna razón tu tienda tiene el idioma en otra parte por ejemplo "tutienda.com/xxx/es/pagina.html" deberás cambiar el split de la parte var language = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; en este caso sería var language = window.location.pathname.split('/')[2]; este split funciona de la siguiente manera "tutienda.com/1/2/3/4..." aunque lo mas seguro es que esté en la primera posición y no necesites cambiarlo, cuento esto para los que no sepan programar aunque dudo que se encuentren con este problema Se que no es la mejor manera, ya que si quieres cambiar las traducciones, agregar o quitar transportistas, debes cambiar el código, pero de momento no he encontrado ninguna otra forma gratuita que resuelva este problema, han mencionado aquí un módulo pero en la descripción no figura que esté disponible para todos mis idiomas por lo que no he querido compararlo
  22. Bonjour, J'ai besoin d'aide pour rendre un répertoire sécurisé. Je fait ce qui est ecrit dans le post a savoir mettre le htaccess dans le répertoire à protégé mais prestashop me renvoie une erreur 404. Je suppose que le htaccess qui est à la racine doit y être pour quelque chose mais je ne sais pas quoi y ajouter ou enlever pour que ça fonctionne. Merci pour votre aide. Je suis sur prestashop 8
  23. Si vous restaurez veuillez remettre la version PHP qui fonctionnait également.
  24. @ZHSoft The OP was setting it up for theme and module development though. Even if he IS a store owner, given the garbage that I've seen that customers have bought from the addon store I would fully support a diy approach - assuming you have the necessary programming skills. There are great developers and modules on the addon store (I've come across the work of a good few), but the poor quality ones put people off to be honest. The summary of this thread is that his use of docker was a red herring (which is why it wasn't repeatable). The problem was with the data he imported.
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