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    Switzerland / Zürich
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  1. Yes, thanks. I set it up on our Linux Server. It worked, but to access the BE, it needs the debug-mode. I will make another entry for that, when I find time.
  2. Thanks! In the php.ini, I needed to tell IIS, where the extension folder is: ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside. ; https://php.net/extension-dir ;extension_dir = "./" ; On windows: extension_dir = "ext" And then uncomment the zip extention: ;extension=soap ;extension=sockets ;extension=sodium ;extension=sqlite3 ;extension=tidy ;extension=xsl extension=zip Together with this hint, I could make it on a IIS:
  3. I tried to install Prestashop 8.1.3. on our IIS server and failed at the missing PHP ZIP extenstion. I have the ZIP activated in the php.ini and I can see it in the phpInfo (see attachment). Does somebody know, what I'm doing wrong? PS: I'm sorry, but all these advertisements on this forum is really annoying.
  4. Hello, Thanks for your answers. We are now using this addon: https://addons.prestashop.com/de/preisverwaltung/24434-schweizer-franken-rundung.html Unfortunately they don't write back with this issue. We probably will go Idnovate soluation.
  5. Hallo, We bought the Swiss 5ct. round module. It seems, it only rounds the single items in the cart, but not the total including discounts to .00 or .05. Where would I need to set a hook or an overwrite to adjust the cart total?
  6. Hello, I'm trying to optimize our shop for search engines. Now some values are missing, when looing at this example from Goolge: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/product?hl=en#product-with-shipping-example I need following: brand shippingDestination -> addressCountry deliveryTime (all sub values) transitTime (all sub values) When dumping the $product variable, I can't find these values, also in the smarty variables lists online. I was looking for all Prestashop smarty values and always found the same list. E.g. here: https://gist.github.com/salase/d6b51bfa97c5b0f94885206a47633513 I'm quite sure that it's always the same list, because they have always the same error inside on line 50: {$shop..address.country} This should be: {$shop.address.country}
  7. Hey, I had the same issue. Here is what I did to fix it: Deactivate and re-activate the round module Goto -> Settings -> General and re-save the rounding. I'm not sure what did the fix, but right now, I'm able to see a detail of the orders.
  8. It magically worked again! 😅 Very strange! I changed nothing and from one day to the other it was doing fine… PHP Version is now at 7.1.
  9. I updated the PHP Version now from PHP 7.0 to 7.1, but the error remains. I tried to set PHP Version to 7.2, but then the backend of the shop won't work. Any help would be appreciated!
  10. Hello! We are lately experiencing a Problem, that we can't save products anymore on the Backend of Prestashop When opening a product there is the following error appearing in the console: Uncaught json: E_INVALID_PAR_TYPE: {"expected":"Plain Object","name":"json","value":"{\r\n \"main\": {\r\n \"de-DE\": {\r\n \"identity\": {\r\n \"version\": {\r\n \"_cldrVersion\": \"26\",\r\n \"_number\": \"$Revision: 10669 $\"\r\n },\r\n \"generation\": {\r\n \"_date\": \"$Date: 2014-07-23 16:10:33 -0500 (Wed, 23 Jul 2014) $\"\r\n },\r\n \"language\": \"de\",\r\n \"territory\": \"DE\"\r\n },\r\n \"numbers\": {\r\n \"defaultNumberingSystem\": \"latn\",\r\n \"otherNumberingSystems\": {\r\n \"native\": \"latn\"\r\n },\r\n \"minimumGroupingDigits\": \"1\",\r\n \"symbols-numberSystem-latn\": {\r\n \"decimal\": \",\",\r\n \"group\": \".\",\r\n \"list\": \";\",\r\n \"percentSign\": \"%\",\r\n \"plusSign\": \"+\",\r\n \"minusSign\": \"-\",\r\n \"exponential\": \"E\",\r\n \"superscriptingExponent\": \"·\",\r\n \"perMille\": \"‰\",\r\n \"infinity\": \"∞\",\r\n \"nan\": \"NaN\",\r\n \"timeSeparator\": \":\"\r\n },\r\n \"decimalFormats-numberSystem-latn\": {\r\n \"standard\": \"#,##0.###\",\r\n \"long\": {\r\n \"decimalFormat\": {\r\n \"1000-count-one\": \"0 Tausend\",\r\n \"1000-count-other\": \"0 Tausend\",\r\n \"10000-count-one\": \"00 Tausend\",\r\n \"10000-count-other\": \"00 Tausend\",\r\n \"100000-count-one\": \"000 Tausend\",\r\n \"100000-count-other\": \"000 Tausend\",\r\n \"1000000-count-one\": \"0 Million\",\r\n \"1000000-count-other\": \"0 Millionen\",\r\n \"10000000-count-one\": \"00 Millionen\",\r\n \"10000000-count-other\": \"00 Millionen\",\r\n \"100000000-count-one\": \"000 Millionen\",\r\n \"100000000-count-other\": \"000 Millionen\",\r\n \"1000000000-count-one\": \"0 Milliarde\",\r\n \"1000000000-count-other\": \"0 Milliarden\",\r\n \"10000000000-count-one\": \"00 Milliarden\",\r\n \"10000000000-count-other\": \"00 Milliarden\",\r\n \"100000000000-count-one\": \"000 Milliarden\",\r\n \"100000000000-count-other\": \"000 Milliarden\",\r\n \"1000000000000-count-one\": \"0 Billion\",\r\n \"1000000000000-count-other\": \"0 Billionen\",\r\n \"10000000000000-count-one\": \"00 Billionen\",\r\n \"10000000000000-count-other\": \"00 Billionen\",\r\n \"100000000000000-count-one\": \"000 Billionen\",\r\n \"100000000000000-count-other\": \"000 Billionen\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"short\": {\r\n \"decimalFormat\": {\r\n \"1000-count-one\": \"0 Tsd'.'\",\r\n \"1000-count-other\": \"0 Tsd'.'\",\r\n \"10000-count-one\": \"00 Tsd'.'\",\r\n \"10000-count-other\": \"00 Tsd'.'\",\r\n \"100000-count-one\": \"000 Tsd'.'\",\r\n \"100000-count-other\": \"000 Tsd'.'\",\r\n \"1000000-count-one\": \"0 Mio\",\r\n \"1000000-count-other\": \"0 Mio\",\r\n \"10000000-count-one\": \"00 Mio\",\r\n \"10000000-count-other\": \"00 Mio\",\r\n \"100000000-count-one\": \"000 Mio\",\r\n \"100000000-count-other\": \"000 Mio\",\r\n \"1000000000-count-one\": \"0 Mrd\",\r\n \"1000000000-count-other\": \"0 Mrd\",\r\n \"10000000000-count-one\": \"00 Mrd\",\r\n \"10000000000-count-other\": \"00 Mrd\",\r\n \"100000000000-count-one\": \"000 Mrd\",\r\n \"100000000000-count-other\": \"000 Mrd\",\r\n \"1000000000000-count-one\": \"0 Bio'.'\",\r\n \"1000000000000-count-other\": \"0 Bio'.'\",\r\n \"10000000000000-count-one\": \"00 Bio'.'\",\r\n \"10000000000000-count-other\": \"00 Bio'.'\",\r\n \"100000000000000-count-one\": \"000 Bio'.'\",\r\n \"100000000000000-count-other\": \"000 Bio'.'\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"scientificFormats-numberSystem-latn\": {\r\n \"standard\": \"#E0\"\r\n },\r\n \"percentFormats-numberSystem-latn\": {\r\n \"standard\": \"#,##0 %\"\r\n },\r\n \"currencyFormats-numberSystem-latn\": {\r\n \"currencySpacing\": {\r\n \"beforeCurrency\": {\r\n \"currencyMatch\": \"[:^S:]\",\r\n \"surroundingMatch\": \"[:digit:]\",\r\n \"insertBetween\": \" \"\r\n },\r\n \"afterCurrency\": {\r\n \"currencyMatch\": \"[:^S:]\",\r\n \"surroundingMatch\": \"[:digit:]\",\r\n \"insertBetween\": \" \"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"accounting\": \"#,##0.00 ¤\",\r\n \"standard\": \"#,##0.00 ¤\",\r\n \"unitPattern-count-one\": \"{0} {1}\",\r\n \"unitPattern-count-other\": \"{0} {1}\"\r\n },\r\n \"miscPatterns-numberSystem-latn\": {\r\n \"atLeast\": \"{0}+\",\r\n \"range\": \"{0}–{1}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n"} It's appearing in admin/public/bundle.js:1 Help would be very appreaciated! EDIT: By the way, I got this PHP error: (70007)The timeout specified has expired: Error reading request entity data Could that be the PHP-Version?
  11. hey yama! Thanks for your answer! I saw the "Payment accepted" status in Shop Parameters > Order Settings > Statuses What I can't see is the mail with the order_conf.html template. I guess it's a standart mail, that can't be deactivated and so it isn't there. Therefore I can't deactivate the "Attach invoice PDF to email" option for the order confirmation mail. Probably I need to deactivate it somewhere in the code, but I don't know where...
  12. Hello! I've been searching quite a while, but I didn't find an answer (or only very old ones). I also checked Order > Status, but there is no order_conf mail or template there... So please tell me, how I can remove the invoice attachement from the order confirmation mail? Thanks in advance!
  13. Thanks Daresh for your answer! We're facing the same problem here on two different stores. I hope this will be fixed soon!
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