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  1. Wow, that actually worked! I tried on my both development test site, it worked. Then I applied to my main site - it worked! Issue solved, just follow steps in previous post. Tested for PrestaShop version: Amazing work oksar86, thank you very-very much!
  2. I found a solution to above mentioned problem here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/commit/f063d4ae3c423359615f5fa4ec903f5ef27f8b47 Works perfect!
  3. I tried to make all the changes which are proposed in the thread, at first glance - the problem seems fixed. But when I press show all button, return to homepage, and then return to the catalogue again, it says that as if 1-60 items are showing (and there is no show all button), but in fact it displays only 20. Basically it is the same problem that ashadweb has. Anyone has answers for this? Btw, I checked nathanielle website: www.ApostolicClothing.com And it seems he somehow found a way to completely solve this SHOW ALL button problem..... >.<
  4. engineerHopf kindly shared a code for 1.6 on how to add a total weight of the order in the shopping cart (NO SOLUTION HAS YET BEEN FOUND ON HOW TO MAKE THE WEIGHT TO AUTO UPDATE WHEN YOU CHANGE QUANTITIES ORDERED IN THE CART, YOU HAVE TO REFRESH PAGE MANUALLY) in /themes/yourtheme/shopping-cart.tpl above </ tfoot> insert the following code: <tr class="cart_total_delivery"><td colspan="5" class="text-right">{l s='Total Weight:'}</td><td colspan="2" class="price">{$cart->getTotalWeight()} &nbsp{Configuration::get('PS_WEIGHT_UNIT')} </td></tr>
  5. Owww yeaH!! It works! Damn me, it really does ! ! ! Thank you sooooo much Docki, you are the man! For everyone out there, who is using prestashop 1.6, the CODE IN PREVIOUS POST DISPLAYS PRICE PER UNIT IN CATALOGUE/PRODUCT LIST.
  6. Greetings Nemo1! Nothing shows up, no error or anything. It looks like as if I did not change anything in the code of product-list.tpl at all. I cleared cache, force compiled... I have tried adding this code into different parts of product-list.tpl, but nothing either shows up or the site crashes. I'm using default theme, exactly the one you used in your latest tutorials. Any ideas how to get this fixed? PS: btw, i found a guy on the forum who asked a developer to solve the problem for him. He told me that after a developer modified his product-list.tpl, the same code was added by him: {if !empty($product.unity) && $product.unit_price_ratio > 0.000000} {math equation="pprice / punit_price" pprice=$product.price punit_price=$product.unit_price_ratio assign=unit_price} {convertPrice price=$unit_price} {l s='par'} {$product.unity|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} But I have no clue where he added it, and the guy does not respond anymore :X
  7. Cant get myself around this issue either. Gaetan - i have the same issue, like you do, and i tried both things you did - and I have the same problem. I messaged to Nemo1 about this issue, but have not got a reply yet... Please post here if there is a solution!!!! >.<
  8. How do I do this for 1.6? I tried to all what is written here, even copied code from the product.tpl which displays the per unit price, and it doesn't work :X {if !empty($product->unity) && $product->unit_price_ratio > 0.000000} {math equation="pprice / punit_price" pprice=$productPrice punit_price=$product->unit_price_ratio assign=unit_price} <p class="unit-price"><span id="unit_price_display">{convertPrice price=$unit_price}</span> {l s='per'} {$product->unity|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</p> I inserted that code in <div class="right-block">, right under this line: {if (!$PS_CATALOG_MODE AND ((isset($product.show_price) && $product.show_price) || (isset($product.available_for_order) && $product.available_for_order)))} Please help :<
  9. wow, you managed to add that total weight thing into shopping cart! could you please post here 1 post how you did that? What files you edited and what you have added!
  10. Oh God, its already august, and no solution to the cart/total weight problem in 1.6 ? It is so frustrating!
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