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  1. Hello. As you can see on the post title. I'm trying to configure geolocation on a store that i'm developing to only allow customers from Portugal to see the prices. The problem is that i allways get this message when i visit the store. "You cannot place a new order from your country. Undefined". Can anyone help me? You can check the store here: http://atomsrv.com/concreto/ Thanks in advance
  2. I'm trying to install using your zip but it keeps giving me this error: 1: SQL error command doctrine:schema:update, please check your app/config/parameters.yml file I've already edited the file. Can you help me? It's already solved. I've forced database_port on the parameters.yml file.
  3. I've coded some scripts to insert products, combinations, categories, images, etc over prestashop api. But now i need to activate multistore with one of them will not show prices. I need to insert the products two times ? One for each store using the store specific api? Or is there any call that i can make to insert the product to all available stores? Thanks in advance
  4. Hey i have this code to send an email when a customer is added trough webservice $data = array( '{firstname}' => (string)$customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => (string)$customer->lastname, '{email}' => (string)$utilizador->Email, '{passwd}' => (string)$utilizador->Password, '{shop_name}' => 'BikeZone', '{shop_url}' => 'http://maggpresta.atomsrv.com' ); $dump = Mail::Send(2, 'account', 'Criação de conta de cliente', $data, $utilizador->Email, $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname, null, null, null, null,_PS_MAIL_DIR_, true, 1, false); And it's working. The email is sent but the template vars are all empty as you can see on the attachment. Did anyone got the same problem? How can i solve it?
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