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  1. I already mentioned that I deleted the cache manually multiple times without any result
  2. I restored my shop after some issues with hosting but for some reason the Backoffice it is not working. I am getting the following error from attached screenshot Call to a member function set() on integer I have already tried to delete cache from var/cache ( dev & prod ) but with no luck. The strange thing is if I move all the files under a mydomain.com/shop/ for example and update ps_shop_url table accordingly everything works as expected ( front office and backoffice ) As soon as I move the shop under the maindomain.com I cannot access Backoffice due to the above error. The front office works fine , no issues. Anyone got any idea what is causing this ? I search about this but I could not find any reason why it behaves like this. PS Version: Php Version : 7.2
  3. Hello everyone I would like to contribute to the community with a solution to how to add the arrival date and arrival hour info into confirmation email. I searched on forums and did not found a solution so I tried and succeeded to do that myself. First Edit mailalerts.php file located under modules folder or your theme modules folder. Around line 357 add below $order_state = $params['orderStatus']; if ($invoice->id_state) $invoice_state = new State((int)$invoice->id_state); if (Product::getTaxCalculationMethod($customer->id) == PS_TAX_EXC) $total_products = $order->getTotalProductsWithoutTaxes(); else $total_products = $order->getTotalProductsWithTaxes(); $order_state = $params['orderStatus']; the following code $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow(' SELECT da.`date`,da.`hour` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'dateofarrival_cart` da WHERE da.`id_order` = '.(int)$order->id.' AND da.`is_appointed` = 1'); After that you have $template_vars = array( '{id_order}' => $order->id, '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname, '{email}' => $customer->email, You will need to add the two new variables into the list. The code should look something like that $template_vars = array( '{order_delivery_date}' => $result['date'], '{order_delivery_time}' => $result['hour'], '{id_order}' => $order->id, '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname, '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname, '{email}' => $customer->email, ..... Then you can use the two new variables in the mailalerts mails templates {order_delivery_date} and {order_delivery_time} . One more thing to make sure it will work is to assure that the dateofarrival module is executed before mailaerts. The reason of that is to have data inserted already into the dateofarrival modules at the time you are running the select query , otherwise you won't get any data into the select query. To do that go into admin Modules Positions , check Display non-positionable hooks and under actionValidateOrder make sure that MailAlerts module is after the dateofarrival module. That's all.
  4. Hello I have a strange problem on my shop. This is the second time when the left column disappears from the homepage. First time I reinstalled again the shop because I did not found any solution to this. Right now I can't reinstall it again since I already did some work on it. There were not modified any files or settings from backoffice. I have tried different things but none of the work. The left column is missing only for homepage, for other pages it is showing up. I also tried to modify the template file and include manually the left column {$HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN} but it seems that the {$HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN} is empty for homepage. I also looked in layout.tpl and found that for index page {if isset($HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN) && $HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN|trim && !$hide_left_column}{$left_column_size=3}{/if} the !$hide_left_column is causing that the column to don't show up. If I remove that the space where the left column was before is again showed but there is no content because the hook is empty. This happens only for homepage. Does anyone has any idea what is causing this issue ? My shop is yourwatchwinder.com
  5. Oh Jesus , I can't believe that . The order invoice at what I was looking did not had any content in other field . I looked for an order with content in other field and it seems that it is working . Thank you
  6. Hello Can anyone guide me how to add the 'other' field from address to the pdf invoice template ? I have added from localization->countries the other field but it is still missing from invoice . I have looked in classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php and saw that the fields are not generated separately . I think that the address displayed in the pdf comes from this variable $formatted_invoice_address = AddressFormat::generateAddress($invoice_address, array(), '<br />', ' '); So I think it is generated dynamically Does anyone any tweak how can I add the other field to the pdf ? It can be done by adding the field to the generated address or by creating a new variable but I don't know exactly how to accomplish that . Thank you
  7. I saw that the URL is coming from <a href="{$href|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($confirm)} onclick="if (confirm('{$confirm}')){ldelim}return true;{rdelim}else{ldelim}event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();{rdelim};"{/if} title="{$action|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="delete"> <i class="icon-trash"></i> {$action|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} </a> I think that there is something with a javascript file . Anyone has any idea ?
  8. If I modify live the url and remove the &amp then the combination is deleted . Where is that url generated in what tpl file ? I need to remove the &amp from that .
  9. If I remove the amp; from url then I get this error message in console {"status":"error","message":"You do not have permission to delete this."}
  10. Hello I upgrade to prestahop my store and now I can't remove product combinations . When I click on delete button I get a message to confirm and after I confirm nothing happens . I have inspected the button and the link looks like this https://www.mysite.com/admin/index.php?controller=AdminProducts&id_product_attribute=3181&deleteconfiguration&token=9cdc961070aa050582371351e49b8c15 It has amp; strings in the url for an unknown reason . I have tried to remove those strings and access the url but it keeps redirecting me to product listing page without any message . Also tried to replace the whole admin folder with the default one from ps theme but I have exactly the same issues . Does anyone have any ideas why is not working ? Thanks
  11. I have did a clean install again and it seems that is working now without doing any change . Don't know what was the cause of that error . Than you anyway for your help . Regards
  12. I don't know what it is . It came with the theme . I already tried with {$getBelvgBlockContent} but doesn't work . It appers multiple times in header.tpl and footer.tpl files Sometimes is like this {getBelvgBlockContent id="banner1"}
  13. Hello I have bought a custom template and installed it on my prestashop store . After enabling the template I get this error Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "public_html/themes/onlinesale/footer.tpl" on line 51 "{getBelvgBlockContent}" unknown tag "getBelvgBlockContent" <-- thrown in public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 51 Has anyone any idea why I get the error ?
  14. The problem is solved . The PHP version was upgraded recently by the hosting company even if they did not admitted that they made the update . They said that I upgraded the php which is a lie . I asked them to downgrade the version and voila the site is working well . If somebody else with ps and with php version 5.4.31 has any problems , downgrading the php version was the solution for me .
  15. I have checked and the server php version is 5.4.31 . Where should I look to see if it is compatible with prestashop ?
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