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About Beaniie

  • Birthday 10/15/1992

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  1. Hi there, I'm having difficulty importing a new Localization into my installation of Presta and i'm unsure as to why, has anyone experienced this before? PS - V1.6.1.11
  2. I don't have inixframe within my module directory, so I'm pretty sure it's not a related issue, I am however starting to think the issue is related to the number of categories that are listed within my installation.
  3. I have already tried the following increases 128M, 256M, 512M, 1024M, no progress, sadly.
  4. Morning all, I have hit an error within Prestashop Everytime I access certain products and try to edit thier associations I receive an error notice; /* I enabled dev mode via config/defines.inc.php */ if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) { define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); } Has anyone encountered this issue or does anyone know why this has occured or how to resolve it at all, I have ammended php.ini aready and contacted my host but all was un eventful. for reference I'll quote my php.ini /* Custom PHP.INI sitting in root DIR. */ memory_limit = 128M max_execution_time = 1280 max_input_time = -1 post_max_size = 15M upload_max_filesize = 128M max_input_vars = 10000 suhosin.get.max_vars = 10000 suhosin.post.max_vars = 10000 extension=pdo.so extension=pdo_sqlite.so extension=pdo_mysql.so extension=sqlite.so Thanks in advance, Regards, -B Edit: I took a few steps forward in hopes of correcting this issue but all to no avail. I'll list the steps I've attempted below; - Adjusted my php.ini to allow the full memory limit, I'll post a full copy of which below. `(memory_limit = 128M)` - Contacted my hosting provider to have the 'xCache' caching module installed on my sever in hopes of worming my around the default caching solution. However this is not possile at this time. - Turned off cache and cleared existing cache. (Same result) - Checked for recently installed module issues. (None found) Edit: After further digging and after disabling caching, my error location has changed to; Adapter/Adapter_EntityMapper.php on line 98.
  5. Turns out a simple syntax error was the culprit. All works perfectly. Regards, -B
  6. Good Morning, Currently trying to dig my way around Prestashop, I understand it a little bit but I wouldn't say I'm experienced. I'm after a way to check if the user is logged in, which I have found examples for this elsewhere using .tpl files. However I need to action a response if the user is not logged in The thread I found is the reverse of which. After considerable digging I was able to find and edit this code here, but I'm unable to get it to fire; <!-- Check Login --> <div id="check-log"> {if $logged} <a href=".." id="Logout" />Logout</a> {else} <a href=".." id="Login" />Login</a> {/if} </div> I currently have this placed within my 'header.tpl'. As a bit of background as to what it is specifically that I'm trying to achieve is to display a full width / height image with a sign-in element layered over top within the center. I want to essentially give the user only one element to interact with and use to sign in. I hope I have explained myself well enough, any help is appreciated. I'll keep looking and if I find anything useful I'll post it here. Regards, - B
  7. Hey Herland, Not sure if you'll see this or not but I've tried adding the same code to PaymentModule.php, and I can't seem to get it to work. It's frustrating because I have made the change within the HTML version in the back office, but the email still prints {id_order}. I would also like to add the order ID to the subject. Any Ideas? Regards, -B
  8. I'm a little bit confused by your question but if your asking how you can add .js to your header globally like i think you are. You could use this free module. https://mypresta.eu/modules/front-office-features/html-box.html This can be hooked anywhere. Regards, -B
  9. So as it turns out, I had accidentally left a php.ini file I was using in my root directory. Now it's gone, the problem has resolved itself. Happy days!
  10. So it turns out this template is in, Localisation > Translations > Email Template Translations > Mailalerts. Regards, -B
  11. This would be somewhat of a dirty way around this issue but you could tweak the url direction of the form submit button to redirect/refresh the page. During which time you would need to trigger a recache. Being new to prestashop I'm not sure how you would put this in place other then editing the input within the acual .tpl for the addresses. But its food for thought however others may be able to help you put this in place.
  12. Normal web access for me appears to be working fine for both; Have you tried accessing your page from outside your current network?
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