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About emartinez0131

  • Birthday 01/31/1959

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    Orange, California
  • Interests
    Music, coding, dancing, coding, my sweetheart, coding.
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  1. I ran into this same issue, and it was due to my host upgrading the php version to 7.x -- when I informed them of the issue, they retrograded the version back to 5.x and everything started to work again.
  2. I finally solved this issue. I hired Fred & Co. at Prestaheroes to take a look. While they couldn't find anything wrong code-wise, they did advise me to look at a secondary domain name that kept showing up. I host using cPanel/WHM, and one of the things that had been done was after the PS was fully developed and ready for "prime time," the live site's domain was "parked" on top of the development domain, and PS was told to use the live domain. Everything worked beautifully -- except, Webservice. Following up on the tip from Prestaheroes, I removed the parked live domain, modified the development domain's name to the live one, and VOILA! Everything still works beautiful, and Webservice now connects to the shipping host we use. It was that simple - but it eluded me for almost a year. We did shipping manually to our shipping processor, until this week. Oh happy days! Thanks to everyone for their input, advice, and overall good will. Great forum! --Ed
  3. Thank you for your insights Dh42, but after all of the time that has passed since the last post, we are no closer to solving the issue, and our vendor seems "uninterested" in finding a resolution. I have multiple sites connected on two different servers. Other sites on this same server are connected with no issues. I recreated a smaller version of my site as a sandbox/test on the same server, and it connects successfully. The only conclusion I can come to is that our copy of the store has suffered some corruption in the Webservice code. We have decided that we will recreate the site manually - no imports - since every other site we've setup in this manner works flawlessly. Not really sure what happened during the import, but we thought we were going to save a lot of time by bringing our 9000 + products, 12000+ customers, and partial orders (18000). We have not saved any time. By having to go back and try to fix the problems that cropped up after the massive import, we've actually lost time. I just wanted to post our experiences here, in the event that someone else is finding similar issues after a data import. From what I can tell, we should not be having these issues, but that doesn't change the fact that we are. Good luck to all.
  4. I found something related that I believe might solve the issue. Check out the info at: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/141152-solved-logout-doesnt-work-when-cache-and-rewrite-are-activated-any-real-fix/?p=677772 I discovered by trial and error that the code below has to be placed at the end of my .htaccess file. In case you don't want to research the article I listed above, here's the code I used: <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 seconds" ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 seconds" ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 seconds" ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 seconds" ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 120 minutes" ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 120 minutes" ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 120 minutes" ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 60 minutes" ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 60 minutes" ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 60 minutes" ExpiresByType text/xml "access plus 60 minutes" </IfModule> Most of the code above I derived from the article at: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/398255-loginlogout-not-working-without-page-refresh/ I used the info provided by msienc. I hope this helps. --Ed
  5. It's taken a while to figure out what the issues were with the Advanced Stock Management, which is why I haven't posted for some time. Here's what we discovered was causing the issues: - We performed an intensive import of products into PrestaShop using a 3rd party called Cart2Cart. They did an excellent job getting all of our products, descriptions, images, etc. into PS. - We setup the site again without the import, and added products instead of an import. This solved the issue. Something about the import was not liked by the Advanced Stock Management in PS. Not having knowledge of the internals, I can't really provide a "true solution" - but at least moving forward I know what not to do. I also realize that this doesn't help someone looking to move an extensive number of products into their PS. Bear in mind that our import was from a different CMS, which is likely to have contributed to a less than perfect import. My honest guess is that if you're moving from one PS shop to a new one, you may not encounter the issues we did. I hope this helps anyone out there with a similar situation.
  6. The site that has the issue had originally connected successfully, however, I had a temporary URL assigned to the site during development. After the site went live, I changed the URL, and created a brand new connection to the API vendor - this time, it refused to connect, returning the 401 error I described above.
  7. I have two servers. Both have sites connected to the API successfully. Just this particular one that is being stubborn.
  8. It appears that a year has gone by, and no one posted a solution. I am having a similar issue - the difference is that at one time, my store did connect, but that was before I completed an import of products and customers. After I had the site completely setup, I noticed that none of my shipping data was uploading, so I tested my connection again, and now the API reports the 401 error. The exact error is: "We received an error testing the PrestaShop store: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." I have looked at everything our server host recommended, and also the API vendor. Nothing works. I have other PrestaShop stores connected to the same API vendor - no issues. Exact same configuration. My site is live, and we have between 5,000-10,000 visitors daily - so, a fresh re-installation just isn't feasible. This seems to be a permissions issue - just not sure where to go change permissions. Any help is appreciated.
  9. Was this ever resolved? I am trying to do the same thing. My customer service team wants to have all FO customer messages sent to the customer service email, but the messages only show up in the BO Customer Service area - which takes a very long time to load. This is why they want it to go to our email. I read this thread and ensured that I have everything configured optimally (or so I believe). Anyhow, whenever a customer sends a message from the FO interface, it only comes to the Customer Service area in the BO. I have created the customer service account in the BO under Customers --> Contacts. We are using the PHPMail() and it works perfectly. Anyone with an insight would be appreciated. If I find out how to make this work, I will post the solution here. Thanks to all.
  10. This may seem simple - but also simple enough to miss - did you check under Preferances --> SEO & URLs - that Friendly URL is enabled? The URL you listed as non-functional looks like it would be a Friendly URL.
  11. Thank you for the reply Rocky. I will start debugging today and post whatever I find in this forum. Regards, --Ed
  12. I added 9 products to my catalog, and the Advanced Stock Management system is in use. The first 7 went without a hitch - I created my warehouse, selected the items in each product associated with the warehouse, went into stock management, and added stock -- no problem. The last two items simply refuse to add stock. I get the error, which is the title of this topic: An error occurred. No stock was added. I added all of the products following the same exact guidelines as the others. Unless there is some limitation with the advance stock management system I wasn't aware of, I am stumped. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be very grateful. I've done a lot of programming and development, and I don't mind sharing tips and helping others whenever possible. I am new to PrestaShop, but not ecommerce or php. Thank in advance to all, --Ed
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